We have a gpt-35-turbo Azure OpenAI deployment in the "East US 2" region. This sometimes works fine. Other times it is extremely slow. Response times can be less than 10 seconds but can also be several minutes. Here is the number of tokens…
Azure disks reservations are purchased for a specific region and SKU (like P30 in East US 2), and can't be used outside these constructs. You can always purchase an additional Azure Disks Reservation for your disk storage needs in other regions or SKUs. ...
(North America) Central US (North America) East US (North America) East US 2 (North America) South Central US (North America) West US 2 (North America) West US 3 (South America) Brazil South For zone redundant availability, choosing amaintenance windowother than the default is currently av...
27. If you have an application running on the on-premise server and Azure East US region has a backup, will you be able to access the application via the Azure environment in case of an on-premise server application access failure? Yes. One can access the application by using the Site ...
{\\\n \\\"code\\\": \\\"InvalidEntityError\\\",\\\n \\\"message\\\": \\\"Cannot retrieve vSphere Network 'seg-azure-arc-uson-avs-eastus': path 'seg-azure-arc-uson-avs-eastus' resolves to multiple networks\\\",\\\n \\\"category\\\": \\\"\\\"\\\n }\\\",\\n ...
在每个版本中,每个服务都有一个文件夹(Service East US 和 Service West US)。每个服务都有一对用于创建存储帐户的模板和参数文件,另一对模板和参数文件用于创建 Web 应用程序。Web 应用程序模板调用压缩包,其中包含 Web 应用程序文件。压缩文件是存储在二进制文件夹中的二进制项目。
If you use the API key to authenticate against OpenAI, you can specify the regional endpoint of your Azure OpenAI Service (e.g., https://eastus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/). If you instead plan to use Microsoft Entra ID security tokens for authentication, you need to deploy your Azure ...
As part of this effort, in June 2018, we previewed Azure Service Bus Premium tier for Availability Zones and Azure Event Hubs Standard tier in 3 regions – Central US, East US 2, and France Central. Today, we’re happy to announce that we’ve added Availability Zones support for Azure ...
("Endpoint"->"https://doctorwho.documents.azure.com:443/","Masterkey"->"<YourMasterKey>","Database"->"DepartureDelays","PreferredRegions"->"Central US;East US2;","Collection"->"flights_pcoll","SamplingRatio"->"1.0","query_custom"->"SELECT c.date, c.delay, c.distance, c.origin,...
Databases(2) AI + Machine Learning(1) Hybrid + Multicloud(1) Integration(1) Migration(1) Networking(1) Security(1) Product Azure App Service(1) Azure Blob Storage(1) Azure Cosmos DB(1) Azure Front Door(1) Azure Monitor(1) Azure OpenAI Service(1) ...