EastUS EastUS2 FranceCentral FranceSouth GermanyCentral GermanyNorth GermanyNorthEast GermanyWestCentral JapanEast JapanWest KoreaCentral KoreaSouth 名称 NorthCentralUS NorthEurope 挪威东部 挪威西部 QatarCentral SouthAfricaNorth SouthAfricaWest SouthCentralUS SoutheastAsia SouthIndia SwedenCentral SwitzerlandNorth ...
Americas: Brazil South, Canada Central, Canada East, East US, East US 2, Central US, North Central US, South Central US, West US, West US 2, West US 3, West Central US. Europe: France Central. Italy North, North Europe...
显示另外 2 个 借助此功能,可以为使用由第三方供应商拥有的私钥签名的驱动程序/内核模块绑定统一可扩展固件接口 (UEFI) 密钥。概述部署Azure 受信任启动 VM 时,在启动过程中,会根据受信任预加载 UEFI 密钥验证所有启动组件(如 UEFI、填充码/引导加载程序、内核,以及内核模块/驱动程序)的签名。 任何启动组件的验证...
[8] 55% savings estimate is based on the 2 core 8GB App Service Premiumv3 plan (P1v3) in the US East region. Pay-as-you-go for this plan is USD0.155 per hour versus USD0.070 per hour with a 3-year commitment. Prices subject to change. Explore...
Windows Container support is available in our West US, East US, West Europe, North Europe, East Asia, and East Australia regions. Windows Containers are not supported in App Service Environments at present. Web application firewall at Azure Front Door service We have heard from many of you ...
So we have now created a basic AKS cluster which will be hosting our Applications (Azure FunctionandLogic App) and SQL MI Database instance and help us to build an end-to-end use case. On-board AKS cluster on Azure Arc # Add Azure Arc extension for Azure CLI\naz extension add --name...
{ "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "forceUpdateTag": null, "id": "/subscriptions/subscriptionid/resourceGroups/rgname/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vmname/extensions/OmsAgentForLinux", "instanceView": null, "location": "eastus", "name": "OmsAgentForLinux", "protectedSettings": ...
PORT=5001\nAPI_KEY_SPEECH=add speech service api key here\nAPI_SPEECH_REGION=eastus\nAPI_KEY_OPENAI=add openai api key here speechRoute.js. Add the following code to create the routes that perform a GET request with a specific endpoint. ...
The Cisco UCS C240 M5 and Cisco UCS C240 M5SX Rack Servers are a 2-socket, 2-Rack-Unit (2RU) rack server offering industry-leading performance and expandability. It supports a wide range of storage and I/O-intensive infrastructure workloads, from big data and analytics to collaboration. ...
#US East Catalyst 8500 ! router bgp 65021 ! address-family ipv4 vrf 301 neighbor route-map Peer-USE in ! ip bgp-community new-format ! ip community-list 1 permit 12076:51004 ! route-map Peer-USE permit 10 match community 1 set local-preference 400 AS Path Prepend...