We have a gpt-35-turbo Azure OpenAI deployment in the "East US 2" region. This sometimes works fine. Other times it is extremely slow. Response times can be less than 10 seconds but can also be several minutes. Here is the number of tokens…
eastus2✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ francecentral✅✅✅✅✅ germanywestcentral✅✅✅✅ japaneast✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ japanwest✅✅✅ koreacentral✅✅✅✅ northcentralus✅✅✅✅✅ northeurope✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ ...
US Gov Virginia, US DoD Central, US DoD East, US Gov Arizona, US Gov Texas, US Sec East, US Sec West, US Sec West Central, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia East, Australia Southeast, Australia Central, Australia Central 2, China East, China East 2, China North, China North 2, ...
US Gov Virginia, US DoD Central, US DoD East, US Gov Arizona, US Gov Texas, US Sec East, US Sec West, US Sec West Central, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia East, Australia Southeast, Australia Central, Australia Central 2, China East, China East 2, China North, China North 2, ...
Static value eastus2.api.cognitive.microsoft.com for AzureRegionBaseUrl. EASTUSAPICOGNITIVEMICROSOFTCOM public static final AzureRegionBaseUrl EASTUSAPICOGNITIVEMICROSOFTCOM= fromString("eastus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com") Static value eastus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com for AzureRegionBaseUrl. NOR...
Region obszaru roboczego usługi Azure DatabricksUsługaNazwa FQDNPortProtokół Australia Środkowa Magazyn metadanych consolidated-australiacentral-prod-metastore.mysql.database.azure.com 3306 TCP Podstawowy magazyn obiektów blob artefaktu dbartifactsprodaustc.blob.core.windows.net 443 HTTPS Pomocn...
区域选择要部署的(US) East US 或 Region。 可用性选项保留默认设置无基础设施冗余。是必需的。 图像选择Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS - Gen1。 大小选择Standard_B2s。 管理员帐户 验证类型选择口令。您还可以选择基于 SSH 的验证并根据需要更新所需值。
For current Azure Government regions and available services, see Products available by region.备注 Some Azure services deployed in Azure Government regions US Gov Arizona, US Gov Texas, and US Gov Virginia (US Gov regions) require extra configuration to meet DoD IL5 compute and storage isolation ...
Introduce the Azure geography, zone and region in China Azure has a presence in China through its local operating partner, 21Vianet. Azure in China consists of two cloud regions, China East and China North, which are physically located in the regions of Shanghai and Beijing, respectively. ...
Azure Storage is excited to announce public preview of 5000 account limit features, which allows customers to create additional 5000 storage accounts per subscription per region. This is 20x increase from the current limit of 250. Many of our customers wish need several hundre...