Airflow Integration Runtime 工作執行個體持續時間 AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceDuration 毫秒 平均 IntegrationRuntimeName、、 DagIdTaskID PT1M No Airflow Integration Runtime 工作執行個體失敗Airflow Integration Runtime 工作執行個體失敗 AirflowIntegrationRuntimeTaskInstanceFailures 計數 總計(總和) ...
Maximum allowed factory size (GB unit) Maximum size of entities Gigabyte Total The maximum size of entities in the Azure Data Factory instance. Total entities count Total number of entities Count Total The total number of entities in the Azure Data Factory instance. Total factory size (GB unit...
instancePoolIdDatabricks 工作区中现有池的实例池 ID。否 newClusterVersion群集的 Spark 版本。 它会在 Databricks 中创建作业群集。否 newClusterNumOfWorker此群集应该拥有的工作节点的数目。 群集有一个 Spark 驱动程序和 num_workers 个执行器,总共有 num_workers + 1 个 Spark 节点。 字符串格式的 Int32,例...
It is easy to set up Azure Data Factory from within the Azure portal, you only require the following information: Name: The name of the Azure Data Factory instance Subscription: The subscription in which the ADF instance is created Resource group: The resource group where the ADF instance will...
If you have never seen code of your Azure Data Factory instance - then you need to configure the code repository for your ADF. This article helps you to do that: Setting up Code Repository for Azure Data Factory v2. Once you have set up the code repository, clone the repo and pull (...
1.准备Azure虚拟机,安装SQL Server 2016,把数据插入到SQL Server表中,我们这里的sample data有411万行 2.设置虚拟机的1433端口号,设置Source Service Tag为AzureCloud。允许Azure Cloud服务访问。 3.创建Azure Data Factory。步骤略。 3.设置ADF的源数据,如下图: ...
The output datasetAzureSqlMITable1refers to the linked serviceAzureSqlMI1. The linked service specifies the connection string to connect to the Azure SQL Managed Instance. The dataset specifies the database and the table to which the data is copied to. ...
Azure Data Factory (ADF)除了支持多种数据源以外,还支持数据转换,数据加载和变量参数配置等等。我们会在后面的内容做详细的介绍。 在开始ADF的演示之前,我们还需要了解ADF的核心概念。包含: 1.Pipleline管道 2.Activity活动 3.Dataset数据集 4.Linked Service链接服务 ...
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Virtual Network (VNet)to access data on premises. Ability to host catalog of SSIS projects (SSISDB) in Azure SQL Managed Instance or Azure SQL Database with VNet service endpoint. Azure Hybrid Benefit (AHB)to leverage existing on-premises SQL Server licens...
PowerShell module to help simplify Azure Data Factory CI/CD processes. This module was created to meet the demand for a quick and trouble-free deployment of an Azure Data Factory instance to another environment. The main advantage of the module is the ability to publish all the Azure Data Fa...