NAME for-each 活動的名稱。 String Yes type 必須設定為 ForEach String Yes isSequential 指定應該循序或以平行方式執行迴圈。 以平行方式可一次執行最多 50 個迴圈反覆項目。 例如,如果您的 ForEach 活動會反覆查詢 10 個不同來源和接收資料集的複製活動,且 isSequential 設為False,則所有複本會都執行一次。
{"name":"IncrementalCopyPipeline","properties":{"activities":[ {"name":"IterateSQLTables","type":"ForEach","dependsOn":[ ],"userProperties":[ ],"typeProperties":{"items":{"value":"@pipeline().parameters.tableList","type":"Expression"},"isSequential":false,"activities":[ {"nam...
{"name":"IterateAndCopySQLTables","properties": {"activities": [ {"name":"IterateSQLTables","type":"ForEach","typeProperties": {"isSequential":"false","items": {"value":"@pipeline().parameters.tableList","type":"Expression"},"activities": [ {"name":"CopyData","description":"Copy...
{"name":"IterateAndCopySQLTables","properties": {"activities": [ {"name":"IterateSQLTables","type":"ForEach","typeProperties": {"isSequential":"false","items": {"value":"@pipeline().parameters.tableList","type":"Expression"},"activities": [ {"name":"CopyData","description":"Copy...
映射数据流是 Azure Data Factory 中可视化设计的数据转换。数据流允许数据工程师在不编写代码的情况下开发数据转换逻辑。产生的数据流作为 Azure 数据工厂管道中的活动执行,这些管道使用横向扩展的 Apache Spark 集群。在第 11–15 章中,我们将探讨使用 SCD Type I、大数据湖聚合、增量插入和 Delta Lake 进行数据...
Sequential planner tries to produce all the steps at the very beginning, so it is unable to handle unexpected errors. Action planner only chooses one tool to satisfy the goal Stepwise Planner released. The Stepwise Planner features the "CreateScratchPad" function, acting as a 'Scratch Pad' to ...
Azure Data Factory Framework Capabilities Below is a simplified list of profrwk’s capabilities – be sure to check outthe framework’s contents pagefor a full explanation of each capability and how they can be used: Interchangeable orchestration services....
AI Central: An AI Control Centre for monitoring, authenticating, and providing resilient access to multiple Open AI services. [Oct 2023] Microsoft Fabric: Fabric integrates technologies like Azure Data Factory, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Power BI into a single unified product [May 2023] ...
This capability is available for all actions except for non-sequential and complex concurrency scenarios. With peek-lock messaging available in Azure Service Bus, you can either commit a message after successful message execution or abandon the message when a failure happens. To use this capability ...