az account lock create --name "Cannot delete subscription" --lock-type CanNotDelete Note You need to have contributor permissions on a subscription to create or change locks. To see the current locks on your subscription, use the az account lock list command: Azure CLI Copy Open Cloud Shell...
Learn how to sign into the Azure CLI interactively using az login, WAM, a web browser and a subscription selector.
# Boolean values are assumed to be true, so you can directly evaluate the isDefault property to return the default subscription. az account list --query "[?isDefault].name" # To check if a Boolean property is false, you can use the comparison operator == or the logical operator !. az...
You must have a Microsoft Entra user account and an Azure command-line interface (Azure CLI) on your system, or an Azure subscription. If you don't already have one, create a free account. You must have Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permission at the subscription or management...
GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vmName}?api-version=2024-07-01 With optional parameters: HTTP Copy GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup...
Before deploying the Game Development Virtual Machine, please check if your Azure subscription has enough quota to deploy GPU-intensive VMs. In the Azure Portal under theSubscriptions > <SUBSCRIPTION> -> Usage + Quotasblade, select the Location(s) you want to ensure you have quota, and just ...
Validation message is not right when selected subscription has no spring cloud service. Tooltips on nodes in azure explorer are not correct. Error occurs when run or deploy after docker support is added. Icon of action "Open by Database Tools" for PostgreSQL is missing. 3.60.2 Changed upgrade... - creates a CloudWatch billing alarm and SNS topic with subscription to email you when you incur charges above a given threshold. This is often the first thing you want to do on an account - creates an AWS Budgets billing alarm and SNS topic with...
Windows Server Software Assurance or active subscription customers can access Azure management tools like Azure Update Manager, Azure Policy Guest Configuration, Disaster Recovery, Change Tracking and Inventory, and more, with access to many features coming at no additional cost**. Tune into Microsoft ...
All the parameters required to initialize a subscription are optional. Whenever a Windows Azure PowerShell cmdlet is run, it retrieves its default settings from the current subscription data. If a setting is not part of the current subscription data, specify it as an explicit command line paramet...