您也可以使用 Azure CLI 來擷取自訂指令碼延伸模組的執行狀態,包括以commandToExecute傳遞的實際引數: Azure CLI az vm extension list-gmyResourceGroup--vm-namemyVM 輸出看起來會如同下列文字: 輸出 [ { "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "forceUpdateTag": null, "id": "/subscriptions/subscriptionid/resourc...
使用PowerShell脚本执行获取Azure订阅列表的指令(Get-Azsubscription -TenantId tenantID−DefaultProfilecxt)。在本地调试后,指令成功运行。 但是当指令并运行在Azure Function时,则出现了异常:详细的异常信息为 完成的错误信息为: "Error getting value from 'Tags' on 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Profile.Models.PSAzu...
设置订阅 az account set –-subscription <SubscriptionId> Set-AzContext -Subscription <SubscriptionID> 列出Azure 位置 az account list-locations Get-AzLocation查找版本、获取帮助和查看命令帮助:展开表 命令Azure CLIAzure PowerShell 查找版本 az --version Get-InstalledModule -Name Az 获取帮助 az --help...
you first run this command in Windows Azure PowerShell Command: Select-Azuresubscription it will prompt for you to enter the name of the subscription, which you can get by running Get-Azuresubscription you type in the name of the subscription and then run this command to...
使用PowerShell脚本执行获取Azure订阅列表的指令(Get-Azsubscription -TenantId cxt)。在本地调试后,指令成功运行。 No alt text provided for this image 但是当指令并运行在Azure Function时,则出现了异常: No alt text provided for this image 完成的错误信息为: "Error getting value from 'Tags' on 'Microso...
All the parameters required to initialize a subscription are optional. Whenever a Windows Azure PowerShell cmdlet is run, it retrieves its default settings from the current subscription data. If a setting is not part of the current subscription data, specify it as an explicit command line paramet...
$resourceGroupName="<your-resource-group-name>"$storageAccountName="<your-storage-account-name>"# This command requires you to be logged into your Azure account and set the subscription your storage account is under, run:# Connect-AzAccount -SubscriptionId 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'...
SQL VM Standby Pools Storage Actions Storage Mover Storage Resource Provider Storage Services Storagecache Stream Analytics Subscription Support Synapse Time Series Insights Terraform Traffic Manager Virtual Networks Virtual WAN Visual Studio Voice Services Windows Virtual Desktop Workloads Download PDF Learn...
integration using API calls with Azure for VDI also goes against a set of lower level Resource Managers including those for Compute Resources and Storage Resources. These integrations have now become the bottleneck for managing a VDI solution within a single subscription. To read more about resource...
variables:buildConfiguration:'Release'steps:- task:DotNetCoreCLI@2inputs:command:'publish'publishWebProjects:true- task:AzureWebApp@1inputs:azureSubscription:'<service-connection-name>'appType:'webAppLinux'appName:'<app-name>'package:'$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/*.zip' ...