Learn about Azure tenants, users, and subscriptions. Use Azure CLI to manage your subscriptions, create management groups, and lock subscriptions.
Azure CLI 複製 az account set --subscription "<subscription id or subscription name>" Azure CLI 複製 az aks update -n "<myAKSCluster>" -g "<myResourceGroup>" --attach-acr "<acr-name>" 將下列內容儲存至 ~/AKS/ReplicationController.yml: yml 複製 apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deploy...
Usage: az-switch [OPTIONS] Show all Azure Subscriptionsincurrent profile using the`az`command- line utility. Ask user inputforswitching to another subscription. Options: -n INTEGER Switch to this subscription number directly. -v, --verbose Verbose:echothe azure-cli commands. -h, --help Show ...
Azure CLI az extension show--nameattestation--queryversion Use the following command to sign into Azure: Azure CLI az login If needed, switch to the subscription for Azure Attestation: Azure CLI az account set--subscription00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ...
To perform this action, you need to have access to the Backup Contributor and Monitoring Contributor Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) roles to the subscription.Follow these steps:On the Azure portal, go to Backup center -> Overview. On the Alerts tile, the count of vaults ...
jenkins_foreach_job_cli.sh - runs a templated command for each Jenkins job jenkins_create_job_parallel_test_runs.sh - creates a freestyle parameterized test sleep job and launches N parallel runs of it to test scaling and parallelization of Jenkins on Kubernetes agents jenkins_create_job_check...
Go to Serial Console option on the left navigation bar and once the prompt loads, enter cmd to create a command prompt channel. Enter ch -sn Cmd0001 to switch to the channel’s context, press ENTER and then enter the credentials to login into the CLI of the VM.The same can be done ...
Now, to install the Azure-cli package, you also need to invokesudo -i <command>the-imeans that sudo creates a new shell instance which is given elevated priveliges. This is required because theazure-cliinstaller spawns several commands which, if-iis not used, spawn outside of the elevated...
-resourcegroupname <resource-group-name> clean up resources you can delete the resource group using the following azure cli command when you no longer need the resources you created. this will remove all the azure resources. az group delete --name <resource-group-name...
This is a cross-platform CLI tool based on Node.js, so if it isn’t installed on your system you should install it now. Get the tool via npm: c++ Copy npm install -g iothub-explorer@latest Next, in your command prompt, start the IoT Hub Explorer to see data sent from your ...