AZ Photoresists are compatible with most commercially available wafer processing equipment. Recommended materials include PTFE, stainless steel and high-density poly-ethylene and -propylene. 关键词:AZ1500系列半导体辅助工艺/光刻胶AZ1500系列光刻胶-导电胶AZ1500系列i线光刻胶 ...
加入进货单询价 品牌:Clariant 系列: -- 类目: -- 封装: -- 说明:Standard Photoresists 阿里巴巴旗下元器件采购平台「数万家专业分销商与工厂的聚集地,货源海量,品类涵盖IC、分立、阻容、连接器、电子材料等。」 精选现货商家 >优质国产品牌 >物联网专题 >...
photoresists,likeAZ351B(diluted1:4),0.5%NaOHsolutionandmetalionfreedeveloperslikeAZ726 MIF.WhileAZ1500-familyandAZ1514Hareoptimisedforbestprocesslatitudeat50-60seconds developmenttime,AZ1500HS-familyperformsbestat20-30secondsdevelopmenttimeresultingina ...
AZ 1518 Photoresist (10L) AZ 1518-SFD Photoresist (Gallon) AZ 1529 Photoresist (Gallon) Typical Process Soft Bake: 90-105C (60s) Expose: g-line or broadband Post Expose Bake: Optional Develop: spray, puddle or immersion Developer: MIF or IN ...
AZ 光刻胶 AZ1500 系列,其中型号AZ1500(1505,1518,1529,1514H,1512HS,1518HS)。 详细介绍 AZ 1500 Series Standard Photoresists GENERAL INFORMATION This series of positive photoresists actually consists of three different products. They all contain the same photoactive compound (PAC) which responds to ...
All AZ 1500-series resists are compatible with all common developers used for positive photoresists, like AZ 351B (diluted 1:4), 0.5% NaOH solution and metal ion free developers like AZ 726MIF. While AZ 1500-family and AZ 1514H are optimised for best process latitude at 50 - 60 seconds...
All AZ 1500-series resists are compatible with all common developers used for positive photoresists, like AZ 351B (diluted 1:4), 0.5% NaOH solution and metal ion free developers like AZ 726MIF. While AZ 1500-family and AZ 1514H are optimised for best process latitude at 50 - 60 seconds...