在本系列文章的第 1 部分(使用 Amazon Redshift 设计数据湖架构的 ETL 和 ELT 模式:第 1 部分)中,我们讨论了使用Amazon Redshift Spectrum、并发扩展以及最近新增的对数据湖导出的支持,为数据湖架构构建 ELT 和 ETL 数据处理管道的常见客户用例和设计最佳实践。本文使用 AWS 示例数据集进行分布...
在本系列文章的第 2 部分(使用 Amazon Redshift 设计数据湖架构的 ETL 和 ELT 模式:第 2 部分)中,我们将通过使用 AWS 示例数据集分步演练一些简单的用例,以展示如何开始利用 Amazon Redshift。 与往常一样,AWS 欢迎反馈。欢迎在评论中提出想法或问题。
Working seamlessly with Qlik Compose, Qlik Replicate moves data from your source systems into the landing area of your AWS Redshift data warehouse, where it can then be subjected to your AWS Redshift ETL processes. Qlik Compose integrates with Qlik Replicate (known on the AWS marketplace as Ql...
Fully specified ARN of the IAM Redshift COPY/UNLOAD operations Role attached to the Redshift cluster, For example, arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/<redshift-iam-role>. forward_spark_s3_credentials No false If true, the data source automatically discovers the credentials that Spark is using to ...
For example, arn:aws:redshift:us-east-2:123456789:cluster:t1. Returns: (String) #resource_type ⇒ String The type of resource with which you want to view tags. Valid resource types are: Cluster CIDR/IP EC2 security group Snapshot Cluster security group Subnet group HSM connection HSM ...
See Also https://aws.amazon.com/redshift/. 一种将一个属性从一个属性 AWS 资源插入另一个属性的方法.例如,您可 以在 Amazon RDS 资源中插入亚马逊 EC2安全组属性. 位于同一地理区域的一组已命名的 AWS 资源.一个区域至少由三个可用 区组成. AWS 区域 被分成多个分区. AWS 商业区域在AWS分区中,中 59...
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AWS Data Pipeline支持的数据输入和输出位置包括Amazon DynamoDB、Amazon Redshift、Amazon S3以及SQL数据表...
are available for quick reference, Amazon Mobile Analytics enables you to set up automatic export of your data to Amazon S3 for use with other data analytics tools such as Amazon Redshift, Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR), Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) software, or your own data warehouse...
When configuring automatic WLM in Amazon Redshift as a best practice, we recommend that you: Create a queue dedicated to your different workloads, for example, ETL process. Assign appropriate priority to determine the order in which the queries are executed to ensure effi...