(Types::RedshiftDatabase) #s3_staging_location ⇒ String Describes an Amazon S3 location to store the result set of the SelectSqlQuery query. Returns: (String) #select_sql_query ⇒ String Describes the SQL Query to execute on an Amazon Redshift database for an Amazon Redshift D...
{"id":"MyRedshiftDataNode","type":"RedshiftDataNode","database":{"ref":"MyRedshiftDatabase"},"tableName":"adEvents","schedule":{"ref":"Hour"} } 语法 必填字段描述槽类型 database表所在的数据库。参考对象,例如 “数据库”:{"ref”:” myRedshiftDatabase Id "} ...
这两天在建一个aws redshift 的测试环境,想把正式库里面的表的建表语句可以直接一键进行获取,然后在测试库当中创建测试环境然后搭建测试环境(批量操作) with monas( SELECT table_id ,REGEXP_REPLACE (schemaname,'^zzzzzzzz','') AS schemaname ,REGEXP_REPLACE (tablename,'^zzzzzzzz','') AS tablename ,...
Amazon Redshift数据仓库是种快速且完全托管的数据仓库服务,让您可以使用标准SQL和现有的商业智能工具经济高效地分析您的所有数据,提供优质的数据仓库解决方案。 在规划Amazon Redshift数据库时,某些关键表的设计对整体查询性能影响很大。这些设计的优化可以减少I/O操作数和尽量减少处理查询所需的内存,因而对存储需求以至...
So not only is Amazon Redshift able to deliver better performance at higher concurrencies, it’s able to do so at significantly lower cost. Each data point in the price-performance chart is equivalent to the cost to run the benchmark at the specified concurrency. Because the price-performance...
借助Amazon Redshift ML直接从 Amazon Redshift 集群创建、训练和部署机器学习模型。要创建机器学习模型,您可以使用简单的 SQL 查询来指定要用于训练模型的数据以及要预测的输出值。例如,要创建预测市场营销活动成功率的模型,您可以通过选择包含客户配置文件和以前营销活动结果的列(在一个或多个表格中)来定义输入,以及...
clusterType vpcId securityGroups clientSubnets instanceType volumeSize configurationArn configurationRevision kafkaVersion numberOfBrokerNodes region tags Redshift (Amazon Redshift) 关于 Redshift 采集的字段重点举例为: id dbName clusterCreateTime
Docs(tutorials): add redshift datatype examples. [Brooke White] Refactor(cursor, insert_data_bulk): add batch_size parameter. [Brooke White] Test(cursor, test_insert_data_column_stmt): Adjust for py36. [Brooke White] Chore(cursor): lint. [Brooke White] Docs(connection): redshift wire me...
AWS Redshift is a columnar data warehouse service on AWS cloud that can scale to petabytes of storage, and the infrastructure for hosting this warehouse is fully managed by AWS cloud. Redshift operates in a clustered model with a leader node, and multiple worked nodes, like any other clustere...
现在平台有个字段是用来记录插入时间的,但是是用number型存储,想转为时间类型的。 结果: SELECT ...