An Amazon Redshift data warehouse is a collection of computing resources called nodes, which are organized into a group called a cluster. Each cluster runs an Amazon Redshift engine and contains one or more databases. The JavaScript API for Amazon Redshift is exposed through the Amazon Redshift...
Client for accessing Redshift Data API Service asynchronously. Each asynchronous method will return a Java Future object representing the asynchronous operation; overloads which accept anAsyncHandlercan be used to receive notification when an asynchronous operation completes. ...
0.0 (0 ratings) Documentation 1.0.0 Redshift Authorization setting Postman Example ...
configured Redshift Cluster, and will cleanup S3 if required. This utility is intended to be used as part of an ongoing scheduled activity, for instance run as part of a Data Pipeline Shell Activity (
如果需要访问由世纪互联运营的 Microsoft Azure 中国技术文档网站,请访问。 用于部署 Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusters 的 API 版本更改日志 项目 2024/12/20 1 个参与者 反馈 本文介绍 microsoft.awsconnector/redshiftclusters的每个 API 版本中更改的属性。 它仅涵盖部署期间可用的...
aws-java-sdk-redshift Update GitHub version number to 1.12.783-SNAPSHOT Feb 20, 2025 aws-java-sdk-redshiftdataapi Update GitHub version number to 1.12.783-SNAPSHOT Feb 20, 2025 aws-java-sdk-redshiftserverless Update GitHub version number to 1.12.783-SNAPSHOT Feb 20, 2025 aws-java-sdk-re...
Can be one of EVEN, KEY or ALL (see Redshift docs). When using KEY, you must also set a distribution key with the distkey option. distkey No, unless using DISTSTYLE KEY None The name of a column in the table to use as the distribution key when creating a table. sortkeyspec No ...
如果需要访问由世纪互联运营的 Microsoft Azure 中国技术文档网站,请访问。 用于部署 Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusterParameterGroups 的 API 版本更改日志 项目 2024/12/21 1 个参与者 反馈 本文介绍 microsoft.awsconnector/redshiftclusterparametergroups的每个 API 版本中更改的...
本篇主要探讨使用 Cosmos+dbt+Redshift 以及整个DevOps CICD 的数据管道的具体实现,架构图如下: Continuous Integration 阶段:每次触发合并请求时,GitLab Webhook 激活 API Gateway,然后调用 Lambda 函数启动 CodeBuild 作业。CodeBuild 将 DAG 中的代码编译为 Docker 镜像并推送到 Amazon Elastic Container ...
Redshift User Name: awsuser Redshift S3 Staging Location (s3://*): s3://feastdemobucket Redshift IAM Role for S3 (arn:aws:iam::*:role/*): arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/s3_spectrum_role 创建好的特征库的 schema 及骨架示例: $ tree ./feast_aws_repo/ ...