Amazon Cognito doesn’t change the value of the attribute until your user responds to the verification message and confirms the new value. When AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate is false, your user pool doesn't require that your users verify attribute changes before Amazon Cognito ...
在Amazon Cognito再次发送电子邮件之后,您可以使用adminUpdateUserAttributes更新用户email和email_verified(请...
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现在,如果我将 Lambda 函数挂载到 Amazon Cognito 用户池作为预先注册的触发器,然后尝试注册“aws”,将会看到 400 错误页面。我还有一些可以包含在注册表单中的文本: 其他属性(包括电子邮件(如果使用过))也将可以在事件[‘request’][‘userAttributes’]}下使用。例如: ...
我正在尝试理解CloudFormation (实际上是SAM)中的AWS Cognito设置。 我使用了以下设置: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Resources:CognitoUserPool:Type:AWS::Cognito::UserPoolProperties:UserPoolName:!Sub ${Project}-${Env}-CognitoUserPoolPolicies:PasswordPolicy:MinimumLength:8UsernameAttributes:-emailSchema:-AttributeDa...
Is it possible to get user attributes (like email) in a Lambda/cloud logic function. (with a Authenticated request). I'm only getting the: "cognitoIdentityPoolId", "cognitoIdentityId", "accessKey", "cognitoAuthenticationType", "cognitoAuthenticationProvider", "user" What is the expected behavi...
One service that provides this functionality is Amazon Web Services’ (AWS’) Cognito. Cognito is a tool forenabling users to sign up for and sign into web and mobile applicationsthat you create. In addition to this functionality, it also allows for storage of user data offline, and it prov...
Getting User Attributes Aws::CognitoIdentityProvider::Model::GetUserRequest getUserRequest; getUserRequest.SetAccessToken(s_AccessToken); Aws::CognitoIdentityProvider::Model::GetUserOutcome getUserOutcome{ s_AmazonCognitoClient->GetUser(getUserRequest) }; if (getUserOutcome.IsSuccess()) { ...
If you define a field which you do not send with the Register Request this will throw you an InvalidUserFieldException and you won't be able to register.Now that you have registered your users with their attributes in the AWS Cognito pool and your database and you want to attach a ...
The settings for updates to user attributes. These settings include the property AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate, a user-pool setting that tells Amazon Cognito how to handle changes to the value of your users' email address and phone number attributes. For more information, see Veri...