That's not quite what I want to do. I want the login page to be hosted on my server, but then to use the Cognito SDK to ask Amazon if the user is allowed to login, to send the user an SMS if that's required, etc. But all UI code should be on my server....
Amazon Cognito Cognito Overview We want to give our users an identity so that they can interact with our application. Congito User Pools: Sign in functionality for app users Integrate with API Gateway & Application Load Balancer Cognito Identity Pools (Federated Identity): Provide AWS credentials...
Cognito User Pool: You manage your own user pool (can be backed by Facebook, Google login etc...) No need to write any custom code.API Gateway - HTTP API vs REST APIHTTP APIs low-latency, cost-effective AWS Lambda proxy, HTTP proxy APIs and private integration (no data mapping) ...