aws cognito-idp sign-up --client-id<cognitocustomsmssenderclientappid>--username<TestUserPhoneNumber>--password<Password>--user-attributes Name="email",Value="<TestUserEmail>" Name="name",Value="<TestUserName>" Name="phone_number",Value="<TestPhoneNumber>" --region<AWS Region> Example: aw...
{// 在 cognito user pool 中配置允许访问该 user pool 的 client 后,可以在cognito 上查看到这个 clientIdClientId = _clientId,// cognito 会校验代码复杂度,需要在 user pool 中配置;但此示例中密码是没有作用的Password ="carcar@2024",// 此处可以填手机号或邮箱地址; cognito user pool 中显示的 use...
The configuration of a custom SMS sender Lambda trigger. This trigger routes all SMS notifications from a user pool to a Lambda function that delivers the message using custom logic.
我按照此说明在 Cognito 中实现自定义消息发送器 所有这些都适用于类似的代码(我在 AWS Lambda 上使用 Typescript): import{buildClient, CommitmentPolicy, KmsKeyringNode}from'@aws-crypto/client-node';import...
我们想象这么一个IoT应用场景:厂商A使用AWS IoT来开发物联网解决方案,那么A把设备卖给用户的时候,需要...
Amazon Cognito 身份提供者 Amazon DocumentDB DynamoDB IAM Kinesis Lambda Amazon MSK Amazon RDS Amazon Redshift Amazon S3 Amazon SNS Amazon SQS SDK对于 JavaScript (v2) CloudWatch CloudWatch 活动 CloudWatch 日志 DynamoDB EventBridge IAM Lambda Amazon Pinpoint 亚马逊 Pinpoint SMS 和语音 API S3 Glacier ...
Customize user attributesAssign values to user attributes and add your own custom attributes ¹ 功能仅适用于本地用户。 有关用户池的更多信息,请参阅用户池入门和Amazon Cognito 用户池 API 参考。 身份池 身份池是您分配给用户或访客并授权接收临时 AWS 凭证的唯一标识符或身份的集合。当您以来自 SAML 2.0...
AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient AnalyticsConfiguration TokenValidityUnits AWS::Cognito::UserPoolDomain CustomDomainConfigType AWS::Cognito::UserPoolGroup AWS::Cognito::UserPoolIdentityProvider AWS::Cognito::UserPoolResourceServer ResourceServerScopeType ...
Aws::CognitoIdentityCredentials You may also pass configuration options directly to Client and Resource constructors. These options take precedence over the environment andAws.configdefaults. A:profileClient option can also be used to choose a specific profile defined in your configuration file. ...