Amazon Cognito 会记录特定UserName于用户的请求,UserSub但不记录在 CloudTrail 日志中。通过调用ListUsersAPI,并使用主题筛选条件,您可以找到给定UserSub的用户。 身份池事件 数据事件 Amazon Cognito 将以下 Amazon Cognito 身份事件记录 CloudTrail 为数据事件。数据事件是大容量数据平面 API 操作, CloudTrail 默认情况下...
"cognito-idp:AdminCreateUser", "cognito-idp:CreateGroup", "cognito-idp:DeleteGroup", "cognito-idp:DeleteUser", "cognito-idp:ListUsers", "cognito-idp:AdminGetUser", "cognito-idp:ListUsersInGroup", "cognito-idp:AdminDisableUser", "cognito-idp:AdminRemoveUserFromGroup", ...
Hello Amazon Cognito 動作 AdminCreateUser AdminGetUser AdminInitiateAuth AdminRespondToAuthChallenge AdminSetUserPassword AssociateSoftwareToken ConfirmDevice ConfirmForgotPassword ConfirmSignUp CreateUserPool CreateUserPoolClient DeleteUser ForgotPassword InitiateAuth ListUserPools ListUsers ResendConfirmation...
amazon-cognito-dotnet - Sync SDK for .NET. amazon-cognito-ios - Sync SDK for iOS. amazon-cognito-js 🔥🔥 - Sync SDK for JavaScript. amazon-cognito-streams-sample - Consuming Streams sample. cognito-sample-nodejs 🔥 - Sample App for Node.js.Community...
在面对最终用户时,企业可以选择 Amazon Cognito 结合 IAM从应用程序端控制 AWS 资源访问。这需要企业将 Amazon Cognito 与管理最终用户的身份提供商(IDP, Identity Provider)进行集成,以实现 AWS 资源访问控制[1]。 本文将会介绍一种基于 x.509 证书的认证方式,并结合 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) ...
It scales up to millions of users and supports sign-in with social identity providers, such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon, and enterprise identity providers via SAML 2.0. Amazon Cognito A startup needs to evaluate the newly created IAM policies. IAM Policy Simulator A service that discovers...
Amazon WorkSpaces Personal and Amazon WorkSpaces Pools by Andrew Wood AWS Serverless: Implementing Passwordless Authentication with AWS Cognito! by Girish Bhatia Wireframe to Code at the Speed of Thought by Jyothi Goudar
Cognito Event-driven, synchronous. Alexa Event-driven, synchronous. Lex Event-driven, synchronous. CloudFront (Lambda @ Edge) Event-driven, synchronous. DynamoDB Streams Lambda polling API Gateway Event-driven, synchronous. CloudWatch Logs Subscriptions Event-driven, synchronous. CloudFormation Event-driven...