He was born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey to a slave mother and a white father he never knew. 他出生时的名字是弗雷德里克奥古斯特华盛顿贝利,其母为奴隶,其父是白人,但他从来不了解他的父亲。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. The great god Pan is dead, as a voice was heard to cry by sailors in ...
必应词典为您提供augustus的释义,美[ɔˈɡʌstəs],英[ɔ:ˈɡʌstəs],n. 奥古斯都;奥古斯塔斯;【男名】男子名; 网络释义: 古士督;屋大维;奥古斯都大帝;
Augustustells Peters of Pym's presence on board. 奥古斯都向彼得斯谈到躲在甲板上的皮姆. 辞典例句 Beginning withAugustus, the Roman emperors took over the task of building libraries in Rome. 自奥古斯都开始, 历代罗马帝王都在罗马兴建图书馆.
奥古斯都(Imperator Caesar Divi F. Augustus,Octavius),原名盖乌斯·屋大維·圖里努斯(Gaius Octavius Thurinus),是罗马帝国的開國君主,统治罗马长达43年。 zh.wikipedia.org zh.wikipedia.org ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) Cathay Pacific Director Corporate PlanningAugustusTangsaid: "Unfortunately, ...
Augustus 常考释义 n. 奥古斯都(男子名) 托福常考例句 One example to consider is the statue of Roman emperorAugustus. 有一个需要考虑的例子是罗马国王Augustus的雕塑。 来源于:听力OFFICIAL42 L1 单词详解 英汉双解 n. 奥古斯都(公元前63-前14,原名屋大维(Octavian),儒略·凯撒(Julius Caesar)的养子,罗马帝国...
The meaning of AUGUSTUS is 63 b.c.—a.d. 14 originallyGaius Octavius then Gaius Julius Caesar 1st Roman emperor (27 b.c.—a.d. 14).
Augustine, Augustinian, Augustinianism, augustly, augustness, Augustus, AUI, aujus, auk, auklet, 英汉-汉英词典 n. 奥古斯都(男子名)近义、反义、联想词 近词n. statesman, solon, national leader, Roman Emperor, Emperor of Rome 联想词 Lucius卢修斯;Julius朱利叶斯;Claudius克劳迪亚斯;Caesar凯;...
At Augustus, we develop, deliver and operate SIGINT, communications, radar and PNT payloads and on-board processing systems to provide our customers the results they need for mission success. LEARN MORE Starting with our high-performance Software Defined Radio technology in January of 2018, we hav...
Augustus Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Au·gus·tus (ô-gŭs′təs)63bc-ad14. First emperor of Rome (27bc-ad14) and grandnephew of Julius Caesar. Born Gaius Octavius, he took the name Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus—often referred to simply as Octavian in English texts—in ...