augustus caesar基本解释 奥古斯都·恺撒;奥古斯都;奥古斯都·凯撒;奥古斯督 分词解释 Augustus奥古斯塔斯(男子名) Caesar凯撒(古罗马的将军,政治家,历史家,公元前100-44)猜你喜欢 appeal to Caesar诉诸最高权力机关(或长辈,上级) caesar dragon凯撒龙 caesar is home凯撒在家 caesar salad凯撒沙拉 caesarean birth剖腹...
Known for initiating two centuries of peace in Rome, Augustus Caesar’s rise to political power was anything but amicable.
奥古斯都皇帝(Augustus Caesar)的名 字,叫做 August, 同时了表示他和凯撒的功勳一样伟大,於是将八月改为大月,变成3… www.8z1.net|基于275个网页 2. 奥古斯都凯撒 背景注解 “该撒亚古士督,”另译“奥古斯都凯撒”(Augustus Caesar),他是罗马帝国的第一位皇帝,于主前30年至主后14年统 … ...
"Never settle for anything less than your dreams": get ready to make yours come true at Caesar Augustus Capri - Book online
出版年:1991-12 页数:112 定价:$ 20.28 ISBN:9780415060486 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 内容简介· ··· History sees Augustus Caesar as the first emperor of Rome, whose system of ordered government provided a firm and stable basis for the successive expansion...
暂无 累计票房 暂无 介绍 Caesar Augustus is a Spanish American Producer, content developer and filmmaker working out from Philadelphia/New York/Los Angeles. Attended School in Philadelphia University of the Arts and NYU. Started a production company in 2005, (Augustus Films) where he worked with Ar...
Augustus studied the plans of Caesar for colonization throughout the empire. In economic policy, he supported business and industry. He made taxation more equitable and had general censuses taken. Knowing that the roads were the arteries of the empire, he lavished expenditures on them. He built...
奥古斯都(AUGUSTUS CAESAR,公元前63年~公元14年) 屋大维(Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus,前63年9月23日-14年8月19日),又名奥古斯都(Augustus),是罗马帝国的开国君主,统治罗马长达43年。公元14年8月,在他去世后,罗马元老院决定将他列入“神”的行列,并且将8月称为“奥古斯都”月,这也是目前英文8月Augest的来...