IfdataTypeis'native', thenycan be one of several MATLAB data types, depending on the file format and theBitsPerSamplevalue of the input file. Callaudioinfoto determine theBitsPerSamplevalue of the file. Note:Whereyissingleordoubleand theBitsPerSampleis 32 or 64, values inymight exceed −1.0 ...
[,] = audioread(___,) returns sampled data in the data range corresponding to the dataType of 'native' or 'double', and can include any of the input arguments in previous syntaxes. Examples Create a WAVE file from the example file handel.mat, and read the file back into MATLAB®....
Create a WAVE (.wav) file in the current folder. loadhandel.matfilename ='handel.wav'; audiowrite(filename,y,Fs); clearyFs Read the data back into MATLAB usingaudioread. [y,Fs] = audioread('handel.wav'); Play the audio. sound(y,Fs); ...
Create a WAVE (.wav) file in the current folder. loadhandel.matfilename ='handel.wav'; audiowrite(filename,y,Fs); clearyFs Read the data back into MATLAB usingaudioread. [y,Fs] = audioread('handel.wav'); Play the audio. sound(y,Fs); ...
Create a WAVE (.wav) file in the current folder. loadhandel.matfilename ='handel.wav'; audiowrite(filename,y,Fs); clearyFs Read the data back into MATLAB usingaudioread. [y,Fs] = audioread('handel.wav'); Play the audio. sound(y,Fs); ...
MATLAB Documentation: Read audio file - MATLAB audioread. This MATLAB function reads data from the file named filename, and returns sampled data, y, and a sample rate for that data, Fs.
Create a WAVE (.wav) file in the current folder. load handel.mat filename = 'handel.wav'; audiowrite(filename,y,Fs); clear y Fs Read the data back into MATLAB usingaudioread. [y,Fs] = audioread('handel.wav'); Play the audio. ...
Open in MATLAB Online I'm receiving the following error message when trying to use the Matlab audioread function to read .wav files with Matlab 2016a on Windows 7. The same code runs successfully on my Macbook air HighSierra with Matlab 2017b. Error message: ...
Open in MATLAB Online Since you don't specify the full path of the file, matlab looks for it in the current directory (whatever that may be) or any folder specified in the matlab path. However, it can't find your file in any of these directories. ...
delay(1); // delay 1 ms in between reads for stability } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 5 点亮led 实现定时点亮 /*** func 2 light led ***/ #include...