attn_mask(Optional[Tensor]) – If specified, a 2D or 3D mask preventing attention to certain positions. Must be of shape (L,S) or (N⋅num_heads,L,S), where N is the batch size, L is the target sequence length, and S is the source sequence length. A 2D mask will be broadcaste...
首先,你需要查看forward_orig()函数的定义,确认它是否接受attn_mask作为参数。这通常可以在模型的实现代码中找到。如果forward_orig()不接受attn_mask,那么任何尝试传递此参数的调用都会导致错误。 查找attn_mask参数在何处被错误地传递给forward_orig(): 检查所有调用forward_orig()的地方,特别是那些传递了attn_mask...
🐛 Describe the bug torch.compile raises attn_mask dtype RuntimeError import math import torch torch.manual_seed(420) class Model(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Model, self).__init__() def forward(self, query: torch.Tensor, k...
if attn_mask is not None: mask = attn_mask[:, start_y:start_y+tile_size, start_x:start_x+tile_size] mask[:, start_y:start_y+tile_size, start_x:start_x+tile_size] = attn_mask[:, start_y:start_y+tile_size, start_x:start_x+tile_size] ...
SDXL Error : "The shape of the 2D attn_mask is torch.Size([77, 77]), but should be (1, 1)",跑一个SDXL模型也不知道为什么就出现这个问题。上网搜了下发现这么个issue:直接装open-clip-torch的旧版本:pipinstallo
跑一个 SDXL 模型也不知道为什么就出现这个问题。 上网搜了下发现这么个 issue: 直接装 open-clip-torch 的旧版本: pip install open-clip-torch==
attn_mask:2维或者3维的矩阵。用来避免指定位置的embedding输入。2维矩阵形状要求:(L, S);也支持...
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration - Ensure scalar tensor device matches attn_mask for convert_boolean_attn_mask_cudnn. · pytorch/pytorch@7d081ca
RuntimeError: Expected attn_mask dtype to be bool or float or to match query dtype, but got attn_mask.dtype: c10::Half and query.dtype: float instead. This is solved by ensuringextended_attention_mask =, I added this