抗真菌活性attB位点The antifungal activity of the secondary metabolite of Streptomyces sp.IIR21 strain was detected through the agar block method and cylinder plate method with seven crop pathogenic fungi as indicators .The attB site sequence for site specific recombinati...
Integrative recombination of bacteriophage lambda: extent of the DNA sequence involved in attachment site function We have investigated the minimum extent of DNA sequence required for the attachment site of bacteriophage 位 to function in integrative recombination. A DN... M Mizuuchi,K Mizuuchi - 《...
However, which regions of the attachment sites determine site-specificity and how these regions function in recombination remain elusive. Here, we explored the sequence features of attB attachment sites recognized by BT1 integrase, a representative serine integrase. A 34-bp DNA motif is found that ...
Moreover, in contrast with integration into the native attB , integration into pseB4 is not polar and does not require a complementary sequence in the TT-core region. Furthermore, an analysis of conjugation frequency revealed mutual inhibition of plasmid integration into either site when both the...
The invention discloses a carrier carrying an attB for efficient orientated integration of pseudo attP sites in a genome and a transgene method thereof. A carrier carrying an exogenous functional gene is inserted with a plurality of mutually isolated attB sequences, then, together with a carrier ...
Cianciotto N, Serwold-Davis T, Groman N, Ratti G, Rappuoli R (1990) DNA sequence homology between attB -related sites of Corynebacterium diphtheriae , Corynebacterium ulcerans , Corynebacterium glutamicum , and the attP site of γ-corynephage. FEMS Microbiol Lett 66:299–301...
Precise modification of sequences in the Drosophila melanogaster genome underlies the powerful capacity to study molecular structure-function relationships in this model species. The emergence of CRISPR/Cas9 tools in combination with recombinase systems such as the bacteriophage serine integrase FC31 has ...
The present invention discloses a portable high efficiency attB sequence targeted genomic integration false attP site support and a high-efficiency targeted transgene integration of genomic approaches fake attP sites. 在携带外源功能基因的载体中插入多个互相间隔的attB序列,和表达噬菌体φC31整合酶的载体共...
By cloning and sequencing the attB integration site, a single attB site within an open reading frame coding for a pirin homologue was located in S. cinnamoneus genome. Its sequence exhibited the highest degree of sequence similarity with that of Streptomyces clavuligerus. These results provide ...
Second, a recombination reaction is inhibited by the introduction of varying amounts of a second attB with a sequence change that blocks recombination with this site. The inhibition constant reflects the dissociation constant of the intasome and altered attB in this experiment. The two methods ...