您好医生.我tct检查重度炎症.HPV检查出HPV66.HPV6阳性.还有重度宫颈糜烂.请问医生我先治疗哪个病?(女,25岁) 分析及建议: 可以同时治疗,治疗炎症,同时应用干扰素栓剂治疗HPV。先治疗炎症也可,需要炎症药栓和干扰素,交替应该应该会好。现在有炎症也不能马上做手术,是的,任何药物都可能有副作用,但外用药栓。一般很...
The invention provides a palindromic immune modulatory nucleic acid. The invention also provides methods for generating, enhancing and modifying the immune response caused by palindromic immune modulatory compounds used for immunotherapy applications.Ekambar R. Kandimalla...
TCT-156: Thin-Capped Fibroatheroma in Left Main Coronary Artery (LMCA) and non-LMCA; A Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound Analysisdoi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2009.08.175None
TCT-313: A randomized Controlled Trial of Upstream versus Bail-out Use of Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitor Combined with Selective Use of Aspiration Thrombectomy during Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients with ST-segment Elevation My...
We report that foreign greenfield R&D activities by multinational corporations in a host country significantly affect the innovation performance of domestic firms and there exist both intra-industry and inter-industry spillovers from foreign greenfield R&D. There are...
HOLY荷勒是一家创新设计与服务体验咨询公司策略研究 我们洞察市场需求及用户痛点,为企业建立切实可行的互联网产品策略。 用户体验 综合运用现场观察、深入访谈、焦点小组等方法,来获得用户需求及产品使用偏好。 交互设计 基于用户研究分析,建立符合用户使用场景和用户真正需求的交互模型。 视觉设计...