CHIMERIC PROTEINS FOR MEASURING ATP CONCENTRATIONS IN PERICELLULAR SPACE AND RELATED SCREENING METHODThe invention relates to luminescent chimeric proteins comprising a first N-terminal protein sequence, a second protein sequence and a third C-terminal protein sequence wherein: (i) said first and said...
PICO-ZYME F AND PICO-EX FOR MEASURING CELLULAR ATP ON A PICO-LITE LUMINOMETERdoi:10.1016/B978-0-12-208820-9.50102-6C. SanvilleBioluminescence and ChemiluminescenceSanville C (1981): Pico-zyme F and Pico-Ex for measuring cell ATP on a Picolite luminometer. In Biolumines- cence and ...
PercevalHR can also be used with two-photon excitation, which is valuable for measuring cellular energy status in thick samples such as tissue slices. Although two-photon excitation does not in general pro- duce spectra corresponding exactly to the doubled one-photon excitation spectra34, we ...
However, its overall effects on energy metabolism and the underlying mechanism involved in cardioprotection require further investigation. Herein we hypothesize that ATP-sensitive potassium (K-ATP) channels as molecular sensors of cellular metabolism may mediate the cardioprotective effects of resveratrol. ...
Approximately 200 cells within the AOI were counted in total for both cells types. Cell viability was quantified using Image J software. Measurement of average glucose consumption Glucose uptake by IVD cells from day 1 to day 3 and from day 3 to day 6 was determined by measuring glucose ...
See “Results and Discussion” for details. In summary, the current study shows that the ϵ subunit works not only as a regulator but also as an ATP sensor to regulate enzyme activity according to cellular energy status. Studies on the role of ATP binding to the ϵ subunit in the ATP...
Adenoviruses carrying cDNA of ATP7B-WT-GFP [17] were used at 10 of Multiplicity of Infection (MOI) to transduce IGROV-CP20 cells for 24 h. 2.2. MTT Cell Viability Assay The viability of IGROV or IGROV-CP20 cells was determined by measuring their ability to reduce the tetrazolium salt (...
This ~~36 kJ/mol electrostatic potential energy rotates the top of the γ-subunit by 80° relative to the stationary β–subunits with an average torque measuring ~~40 pN-nm generated at the β–γ interface at a radial distance of approximately 1 nm from the central axis of the α3β3...
Our method delivers nanometer precision in measuring nanoparticle sizes, ranging from tens of nanometers and continuing past the Rayleigh limit, which makes it a versatile all-optical nanometric approach.For the precise calculation of scattering attributes in nonspherical particles, the pseudospectral time...
were investigated by measuring their short-term physiological responses, specifically photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll fluorescence. Furthermore, an evaluation of the potential for spectral reflectance indices to quantify changes in physiological performance at both the individual tree crown and stand levels...