ZZZ3 (zinc finger ZZ-type containing 3) 基因名:ZZZ3 别名:ATAC1 基因ID:26009 Chromosome: (GRCh37)1Start:78028160End:78149119Strand: 信号通路:
The arabidopsis AtACDO1 gene is silenced by an RNAi method and is transformed into a plant, yellow and green leaf phenotype occurs in the plant, and laminae are lessened and narrowed; by constructing the over expression plant of the arabidopsis AtACDO1 gene, the degradation of chlorophyll is ...
AtACDO1, an ABC1-like kinase gene, is involved in chlorophyll degradation and the response to photooxidative stress in Arabidopsis 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 161 作者: Songguang Yang,,*, Xueqin Zeng,*, Tao Li, Ming Liu, Shengchun Zhang, Sujuan Gao, Yaqin Wang, ...
这将允许下游函数直接从对象中提取基因注释信息。 # extract geneannotationsfrom EnsDb annotations <- GetGRangesFromEnsDb(ensdb = EnsDb.Mmusculus.v79) # change to UCSC style since the data was mapped to hg19 seqlevels(annotations) <- paste0('chr', seqlevels(annotations)) genome(annotations) <- "...
Transcriptional enhancers control cell-type specific gene expression in humans and dysfunction can lead to debilitating diseases, including cancer. Identifying bona-fide enhancers is difficult due to a lack of spatial or sequence constraints. In addition, only a small percentage of the genome is access...
To define the epigenetic profile of PCs using comparative ATAC-seq and to identify novel enhancers involved in SAN gene regulation, development and function. 利用比较ATAC-seq确定PCs的表观遗传图谱,并确定参与SAN基因调控、发育...
本实验室在拟南芥中克隆到 一个编码ABCl类蛋白激酶的基因,AtACD01(△BCl.1ike Kinaserelatedto ChlorophyllDegradation andO_xidativestress),在对拟南芥和水稻ABCl基因家族 成员进行了生物信息学分析和表达模式的整体研究基础上,进一步对拟南芥 AtACD01基因的功能进行了深入研究,着重探讨该基因在叶绿素代谢以及抗氧 化...
已获得'FPKM=0' 'FPKM>1' '0<FPKM<1’三种情况下的基因列表 A.FPKM=0.genelist / 。。。/。。。 思路: 1.首先从peakanno文件中获取对应基因列表的行,生成三个文件A.FPKM=0 A.FPKM>1 A.0<FPKM<1 2.然后将之前样本通过deeptools产生的bw文件转为bedgraph(#bw文件打不开,bedgraph的第三列就是决定峰...
以这篇文章Chromatin Accessibility-Based Characterization of the Gene Regulatory Network UnderlyingPlasmodium falciparumBlood-Stage Development为例,发表于 Cell Host Microbe. (IF=15.793)。 这篇文章主要是利用染色质可接近信息性来解析恶性疟原虫在红内期基因调控网络的特征 ,选这篇文章的原因是因为其用到了ATAC-...
分析部分后续再写吧,还打算以一篇文章进行实战Chromatin Accessibility-Based Characterization of the Gene Regulatory Network Underlying Plasmodium falciparum Blood-Stage Development另外,该指南还有一个旧版本,还没仔细看,目前新版本分析Peak-caliling中没有使用Macs2,而是用的Genrich,走Macs2流程的话请参见老版本。