Gravitational waves propagate at the speed of light in general relativity, because of its special relativistic basis. However, light propagation is linked to the electromagnetic phenomena, with the permittivity and permeability constants as the determining factors. Is there a deeper reason why waves in...
aOp de Leopoldburgsesteenweg tussen Heppen en Leopoldsburg laten wij u kennis maken met dit commerciële handelspand dat momenteel uitgebaat wordt als frituur. Met zijn nuttige oppervlakte van 120m² is dit pand geschikt voor vele doeleinden. Naast de verbruiksruimte met zeer grote vitri...
Echocardiography revealed multiple echo-dense supravalvular masses at the edge of the aortic valve cusp. These masses were moving and displaced during each phase of the cardiac cycle and very close to the orifice of the left coronary artery. Her left ventricular function was normal, and no ...