ValueTask<int> ReadAtLeastAsync (Memory<byte> buffer, int minimumBytes, bool throwOnEndOfStream = true, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default); 参数 buffer Memory<Byte> 要将数据写入的内存区域。 minimumBytes Int32 要读取到缓冲区中的最小字节数。 throwOnEndOfStream Boolean...
Command line interface (CLI), Rust libraries, and other bindings for the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification - stac-rs/async/ at main · stac-utils/stac-rs
Stream.ReadAtLeastAsync 方法 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: System.IO 組件: System.Runtime.dll 來源: Stream.cs 以異步方式從目前數據流讀取至少位元組數目、依讀取的位元組數目將數據流中的位置往前移,並監視取消要求。 C# 複製 public System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<int> ReadAtLeastAsync (Memor...
ValueTask<int> ReadAtLeastAsync (Memory<byte> buffer, int minimumBytes, bool throwOnEndOfStream = true, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default); 参数 buffer Memory<Byte> 要将数据写入的内存区域。 minimumBytes Int32 要读取到缓冲区中的最小字节数。 throwOnEndOfStream Boolean...
PyO3-based bridges between Python and Rust async runtimes - pyo3-async-runtimes/ at main · PyO3/pyo3-async-runtimes
publicSystem.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<int>ReadAtLeastAsync(Memory<byte> buffer,intminimumBytes,boolthrowOnEndOfStream =true, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken =default); Parameters buffer Memory<Byte> The region of memory to write the data into. ...
Solved: Dear All, Please tell me about Flash Write in ASYNC mode (Non-ADMUX) using SEMC. The reference manual only gives examples for ADMUX mode, but
publicSystem.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<int>ReadAtLeastAsync(Memory<byte> buffer,intminimumBytes,boolthrowOnEndOfStream =true, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken =default); 參數 buffer Memory<Byte> 要寫入資料的記憶體區域。 minimumBytes ...
protected System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<System.IO.Pipelines.ReadResult> ReadAtLeastAsync (int requiredBytes, bool allowEmpty, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken); Parameters requiredBytes Int32 The number of bytes that must be available. allowEmpty Boolean true to allow returning 0...
void native_async_read_continue(int fd) { for (int i = 0; i < _next_index; i++) { if (_fds[i].fd == fd && pollers[i].child_pid) { kill(pollers[i].child_pid, SIGCONT); } } } static void _add_handler(int fd, void *arg, native_async_read_callback_t handler) { ...