boost::async_read_some连续接收数据 我在最近工作的时候用到了boost的http_server程序,这个http_server是一个框架用于接收并解析http协议。这个框架在接收get请求时没有任何问题,当接收post数据时,当数据大于>2k时,无法正确接收,后来发现sync_read_some函数一次只能接收大约1k数据,如果要接收大数据,需要反复接收,自己修...
async_read( socket_, boost::asio::buffer(,512), readHandler ) 和 socket_.async_read_some( boost::asio::buffer(,512), readHandler ) async_read:只有读满512字节或出错才会调用readHandler, async_read_some:只要有消息或出错就会调用readHandler...
Socket::async_write_some和socket::async_send也是一样的,唯一的细小区别依然是socket::async_send提供良种接口,其中一种增加了flags参数。 Asio::async_read有多种接口形式,最基本的一种是 template< typename AsyncReadStream, typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler> void async_read( AsyncReadStrea...
我不确定互斥的用途。如果它同步访问事件数据,则可以缩小范围: boost::mutex::scoped_lock scoped_lock...
ReadAsync(Char[], Int32, Int32) 從目前的字串非同步讀取指定的取大字元數目,並從指定的索引開始將資料寫入緩衝區。 C# 複製 public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int> ReadAsync (char[] buffer, int index, int count); 參數 buffer Char[] 當這個方法傳回時,會包含指定...
Another way to do it, which might be better than the first option in some ways, is to await the parts, and then construct your object after: exportclassMyClass{ privateconstructor(private readonly mSomething: Something, private readonly mSomethingElse: SomethingElse) { ...
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting with file in Azure Storage File Service.
sel.register(sock, selectors.EVENT_READ, my_data) 最后,调用select()方法: keys_events = 这个方法会返回一个列表,内容为(key, events)元组,每个元组表示一个就绪的 socket: key是一个对象,存储着 socket(key.fileobj)及该 socket 的辅加数据(; ...
answered Jan 22, 2012 at 17:57 Jeffrey Sweeney 6,09655 gold badges2525 silver badges3232 bronze badges Add a comment 1 I really suggest you to read these 2 articles that completely explain how async tasks run in js. and what are the differences between handling job with promise or ...