Asymmetric Non-Local Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation * Authors: [[Zhen Zhu]], [[Mengdu Xu]], [[Song Bai]], [[Tengteng Huang]], [[Xiang Bai]] DOI:10.1109/ICCV.2019.00068 初读印象 comment:: (A Nonlocal)提出非对称非本地神经网络,包含非对称金字塔非本地块(APNB)和非对称融合非本...
右侧的结构与传统的non-local模型有些不一样,首先对Key和Value的特征采用Sample操作将原始的N*C的矩阵进行了进一步的特征抽取,从而得到了C*S的特征矩阵,其中S<<N,所以该模型就大大减小了计算复和内存消耗。 但是由于作者将传统的non-local模型中的N经过Sample操作之后变成了较小的S,这样就不能捕捉到每个像素点之...
Asymmetric Non-local Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation 同样是通过降低non-local中query和value的纬度降低计算量 作者提出了asymmetric non-local,如下: 简洁明了,主要在如何sample,作者用了多尺度金字塔的方式: 另外还用不同深度的特征结合在一起做花式non-local 看下效果:...
2 Asymmetric Non-local Neural Network 2-1 Asymmetric Pyramid Non-local Block (APNB) APNB将金字塔采样利用到non-local块中,在不牺牲性能的情况下大大降低了计算量和内存消耗, 2-2 Asymmetric Fusion Non-local Block (AFNB) AFNB由APNB改造而来,在充分考虑到远程依赖关系的情况下融合了不同级别的特征。
code pytorch 原始的Non-local Block 结构图 1.Abstract 标准non-local存在的问题: 计算量过大 GPU内存占用过高 作者提出了用于语义分割的非对称非局部神经网络,它具有两个突出的组成部分:非对称金字塔非局部块(APNB:大大减少了计算量和内存消耗)和非对称融合非局部块(AFNB)。 2.Introduction 之前的研究表明: 如...
In this paper, we present Asymmetric Non-local Neural Network to\nsemantic segmentation, which has two prominent components: Asymmetric Pyramid\nNon-local Block (APNB) and Asymmetric Fusion Non-local Block (AFNB). APNB\nleverages a pyramid sampling module into the non-local block to largely ...
1) nonlocal asymmetric 非局部非对称 例句>> 2) local asymmetric 局部非对称 例句>> 3) localized asymmetric layout 局部非对称布置 4) nonlocal asymmetric elasticity 非局部非对称弹性理论 1. In this paper the equations of motion and all boundary conditions as well as the energy equation fornonlocal...
2) nonlocal elasticity 非局部弹性理论 1. In this paper, the linear nonlocal elasticity is modified by considering the influence of nonlocal residual force. 本文通过考虑局部化残余力的影响对线性非局部弹性理论进行了修正,由修正后的理论所导出的应力边界条件包含了物体微观结构的长程力的作用,这个结果...
In this regard, the Gurtin-Murdoch theory (GMT) besides the nonlocal theory (NT) of continuum elasticity are recruited within the exponential shear bendable curved beam formulations to embrace the consequences of the surface Lame parameters along with the surface residual and nonlocal stresses. In ...
However, the existing local random walk link prediction algorithm simplifiy the definition of random walk process between nodes as symmetrical relationship, and ignore the influence of non-visible factors on the relationship of information diffusion between nodes. In this paper, for the first time, ...