Features of the asymmetric nanocross including extinction spectrum, local electric field intensity, and temporal response of the local electric field under ultrashort laser illumination are investigated in this paper. It is found that, due to the simultaneous excitation of local electric fields in the...
The assumptions used here are all consistent with the so-called standard electrokinetic model where local EO velocities are small, EDLs are thin, and applied electric potentials are weak, so that the effect of the flow on the charge distribution and electric fields is negligible. In this study,...
numerous efforts have been successively made to achieve excellent electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness (EMI SE)viadesigning the hierarchical structures for electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding polymer composites. Among the plentiful structures, the asymmetric structures are currently a hot ...
Pure electron plasmas are routinely confined within cylindrically symmetric Penning traps. In this paper the static and dynamic properties of plasmas confined in traps with applied electric field asymmetries are investigated. Simple analytical theories are derived and used to predict the shapes of the st...
In theory, the out-flow speed has a comparable value to that of the local Alfven speed20. As shown by the Walen test results in Methods section later, in most cases of this study, the observed reconnection jets can match the local Alfven speed; thus, it is reasonable that we take the...
We bring in a second tensor, with the local symmetries of the Weyl tensor, the "W-tensor." In the geometric optics approximation we show how the properties of the W-tensor are related to the asymmetric transmission of the material. We apply this feature to the design of a particularly ...
electric conductor with an electric conductivity of 3.56 × 107 S/m. VO2was assumed to be an insulator at room temperature with a conductivity of 10 S/m30and dielectric constant of 931. The high temperature metallic phase of VO2was described by a conductivity of 200000 S/m30,...
The electric transference number is defined as the ratio of the charge carried by the cations across the reference plane in solid-state electrolyte to the total charge passed across the plane.32 The Zn2+ ion transference number was determined to be 0.8 based on the Bruce-Vincent-Evans equation...
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The dorsal hair of all mice was removed using an electric razor. Subsequently, full-thickness wounds (1.0 cm × 1.0 cm) were created on the back skin of all mice. After 1 h, except for the control, all mice were infected with 50 µL of MRSA 252 at a concentration of ...