Non-asymmetric organocatalysisRenziP.BellaM.ingentaconnectChemical Communications Royal Society of Chemistry
1) Non asymmetric sequential decision 非对称序贯决策2) sequential decision-making 序贯决策 1. In practical project, there are many large-scale, nonlinear and multi-constraints sequential decision-making problems (SDP), which are very difficult to be solved by the traditional approaches. 实际工程...
A method to construct nonasymmetric distributed source coding (DSC) scheme using polar codes which can achieve any point on the dominant face of the Slepian-Wolf (SW) rate region for sources with uniform marginals is considered. In addition to nonasymmetric case, we also discuss and show ...
Asymmetric and non-asymmetric hydrogenation of ketones using non-precious metal catalysts.Jolley, Katherine EWills, Martin
We analyze the effects of a generalized class of negative consumption externalities (asymmetric and non-atmospheric) on the structure of effcient commodity tax programs. Households are not only concerned about consumption reference levels - that is, they gain utility from "keeping up with the Joneses...
ArticleAsymmetric and non-stoichiometric glycoprotein recognition by two distinct antibodies results in broad protection against ebolaviruses Author links open overlay panelJacob C. Milligan 1 15, Carl W. Davis 2 15, Xiaoying Yu 1 3 15, Philipp A. Ilinykh 4 5, Kai Huang 4 5, Peter J. ...
Differences in distribution of myocardial abnormalities in patients with obstructive and nonobstructive asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASH). Light and elec... Previous studies have shown that abnormal cellular morphology is present in the ventricular septum of patients with asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASH...
comment:: (A Nonlocal)提出非对称非本地神经网络,包含非对称金字塔非本地块(APNB)和非对称融合非本地块(AFNB)。APNB可以减少运算量。AFNB融合不同级别的特征。 Why 卷积无法捕捉长距离依赖。nonlocal耗费计算资源。 What 只要key分支和value分支的尺寸一样,输出尺寸就不会变化。所以只要在key分支和value分支中只...
Most natural systems operate far from equilibrium, displaying time-asymmetric, irreversible dynamics characterized by a positive entropy production while exchanging energy and matter with the environment. Although stochastic thermodynamics underpins the irreversible dynamics of small systems, the nonequilibrium ...
Investigated is the accuracy in estimating the response of asymmetric one-storey systems with nonlinear viscoelastic (VE) dampers by analysing the corresponding linear viscous system wherein all non-linear VE dampers are replaced by their energy-equivalent linear viscous dampers. The response of the co...