Such machinery is reported to endow astrocytes with the ability to modulate neurotransmission through a variety of mecha- nisms involving morphological plasticity and uptake or release of numerous neuroactive factors. For instance, astrocytes regulate the formation and stability of syn...
Astrocytes regulate N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit composition increasing neuronal sensitivity to excitotoxicity. Daniels M,Brown D R. Journal of Biological Chemistry . 2001Daniels M, Brown DR (2001) Astrocytes regulate N-methyl-D- aspartate receptor subunit composition increasing neuronal ...
These pathways, in turn, regulate the production of numerous cytokines and chemokines involved in triggering and maintaining glial reactivity. Similar to reactive microglia, in response to perturbations, astrocytes produce and/or release an array of inflammatory mediators, including cytokines (e.g. TNF...
molecularly distinct clusters of hippocampal astrocytes, among which we found a notable subpopulation that selectively expressed synaptic-like glutamate-release machinery and localized to discrete hippocampal sites. Using GluSnFR-based glutamate imaging22in situ and in vivo, we identified a corresponding ast...
which mediate glutamatergic input to astrocytes. In particular a sub-population of astrocytes in the cortex and in the spinal cord express specific type of NMDA receptors assembled from two GluN1, one GluN2C or D and one GluN3 subunits. This composition underlies low Mg2+sensitivity thus making...
In the brain, astrocytes regulate shape and functions of the synaptic and vascular compartments through a variety of released factors and membrane-bound proteins. An imbalanced astrocyte activity can therefore have drastic negative impacts on brain development, leading to the onset of severe pathologies...
between synaptic and glial exocytosis of ATP for the activation of fast purinergic signalling at the individual cortical synapse. We demonstrate that P2X receptors regulate of NMDA receptors through the PSD-95 multi-protein complex and show the importance of this pathway for the synaptic meta-...
the composition of signal molecules, secreted by other glial cells, determines whether OPCs undergo maturation to myelin-forming cells or remain as precursors (reviewed in: [23,67]). Astrocytic secretion of the leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) was determined as potent activator of myelination [39...
Disruption of β-amyloid (Aβ) homeostasis is the initial culprit in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis. Astrocytes respond to emerging Aβ plaques by altering their phenotype and function, yet molecular mechanisms governing astrocytic response and t
The buffer composition was A: 0.04 mol/l sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate buffer, pH 5.5 containing 80% of methanol; and B: 0.01 mol/l dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate buffer, pH 5.5 containing 20% of methanol. The gradient profile was modified according to the content of buffer B in ...