Asthma and marathon running : "Hi again Marius Thanks a lot for answering my previous questions. I am almost afraid to bother you again. First I just have to say that this program has worked really well in combination with rehabilitating persistent shinsplint. I have just completed 70 days o...
Nine mild to moderate asthmatic adults (three males, six females) and six non-asthmatics (one male, five females) underwent endurance running training three times per week for five weeks, at self selected running speeds on a motorized treadmill. After training, the asthmatic group had a ...
If intense running or training is too tough for you, try activities like hiking, biking, and yoga. Swimming can be a great sport for people with asthma, since the warm, moist air around most pools usually doesn’t trigger symptoms. Kids with asthma need to exercise and play sports, too....
Nine mild to moderate asthmatic adults (three males, six females) and six non-asthmatics (one male, five females) underwent endurance running training three times per week for five weeks, at self selected running speeds on a motorized treadmill. After training, the asthmatic group had a sign...
Bronchial asthma is characterized by chronic airway inflammation, which manifests clinically as variable airway narrowing (wheezes and dyspnea) and cough. Long-standing asthma may induce airway remodeling and become intractable. The prevalence of asthma has increased; however, the number of patients who...
No activity has to be off-limits with asthma, but some sports are more likely to trigger asthma symptoms. These includecold-weather sports, like cross-country skiing, and ice hockey, and endurance sports, like soccer or long-distancerunning. ...
Therefore, with appropriate training and medication, asthmatics can successfully participate in endurance running at a competitive level.doi:10.1080/02640419008732138Freeman, W.Williams, C.Nute, M.G.L.Journal of Sports SciencesFreeman W, Williams C, Nute MG. Endurance running performance in athletes ...
Soccer, basketball and long distance running are other examples of asthma triggering sports, the reason here being their requirement of high endurance. These activities require the player to constantly exert himself and be on a move. Thus, people with asthma should not get involved in such activit...
For those in whom exercise can trigger an asthma attack (exercise-induced asthma), higher levels of ventilation and cold, dry air tend to exacerbate attacks. For this reason, activities in which a patient breathes large amounts of cold air, such as skiing and running, tends to be worse for...
Highly trained athletes are repeatedly and strongly exposed to cold air during winter training and to many inhalant irritants and allergens all year round. Asthma occurs most commonly in athletes engaging in endurance events such as cross-country skiing, swimming, or long-distance running. As well...