1. 新建assets目录 在Android Studio中新建assets目录非常简单,只需按照以下步骤操作即可: 在app模块的src/main目录下,右键点击鼠标,选择New->Folder->Assets Folder,如下图所示: 点击Finish按钮,即可在assets目录下新建一个名为assets的文件夹。 2. 将资源文件放入assets目录 在新建的assets目录下,我们可以将需要使用...
1、In Android Studio, right-click on the folder and navigate to theAssets Folder. On the next screen just clickFinish. It will create theassetsfolder in themaintarget source set. 2、可以在build.gradle文件下配置,加如下代码 " sourceSets { main { assets.srcDirs = ['src/assets', 'src/assets...
Where to place the assets folder in Android Studio If you are having problems with asset files not being included in your compiled apk file, it may be because your assets folder is placed in the wrong directory. The assets folder should usually be inside the following folder: <project>/src/...
法一: 1 Since Android Studio uses thenewGradle-based build system, you should be putting assets/ inside of the source sets (e.g., src/main/assets/),ifI understand correctly. 法二: In Android Studio, right-click on the folder and navigate to theAssets Folder. On the next screen just c...
Android Studio 添加Assets目录: In Android Studio, right-click on the enter image description here folder and navigate to theAssets Folder. enter image description here On the next screen just clickFinish. enter image description here It will create theassetsfolder in themaintarget source set. ...
Android Studio 没有assets目录的问题 2015-03-03 21:08 − Where to place the assets folder in Android Studio If you are having problems with asset files not being included in your compiled ... 狂奔的小狮子 0 1965 Android Studio中新建和引用assets文件 2018-08-23 15:31 − 从eclipse...
(:app)的dependencies中加入以下代码引用第三方库 //Json库 implementation 'com.alibaba:fastjson:1.2.76' 项目结构 assets...文件夹位置 assets文件夹需要带小绿标志,否则会找不到文件(可以看下面创建步骤来) 创建步骤 src右键New点击Folder下面的Assets Folder +~~~...java.io.IOException; import java.io.Input...
在AndroidManifest.xml中,授予 写外部存储 的权限。 在<application>外加入: <uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/> 修改MainActivity.java文件。 packageai.nixie.copyassets;/* Copy all the files in assets folder to your smartphone ...
assets目录下存放的原生资源文件,通过getAssets()方法获取. 使用: InputStream inputStream; try {...
If issue still persists, delete pubspec.lock and go to C:\Users\dhruv\.gradle and delete wrapper folder. After deleting wrapper folder, come back to your project and run these commands one a time cd android ./gradlew clean ./gradlew build wrapper flutter clean ; flutter pub get quickcodes...