法一: Since Android Studio uses the new Gradle-based build system, you should be putting assets/ inside of the source sets (e.g., src/main/assets/), if I understand correctly. 1. 法二: In Android Studio, right-click on the folder and navigate to theAssets Folder. On the next screen...
1. 新建assets目录 在Android Studio中新建assets目录非常简单,只需按照以下步骤操作即可: 在app模块的src/main目录下,右键点击鼠标,选择New->Folder->Assets Folder,如下图所示: 点击Finish按钮,即可在assets目录下新建一个名为assets的文件夹。 2. 将资源文件放入assets目录 在新建的assets目录下,我们可以将需要使用...
1.选择项目-右击-点击New 2.找到Folder(文件夹)- 找到 assets Folder 选择创建。 3.创建成功后的assets文件夹会出现在main文件根目录下面 应用实例 加载assets目录下的网页 webView.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/html/index.htmll"); 说明:这种方式可以加载assets目录下的网页,并且与网页有关的css,js,图片...
* AssetsDatabaseManager mg = AssetsDatabaseManager.getManager(); // get a AssetsDatabaseManager object * SQLiteDatabase db1 = mg.getDatabase("db1.db"); // get SQLiteDatabase object, db1.db is a file in assets folder * db1.??? // every operate by you want * Of cause, you ca...
SDK to build network tools based on Outline components. - fix: track android assets folder in git so people can properly cap sy… · Jigsaw-Code/outline-sdk@95cfba1
在AndroidManifest.xml中,授予 写外部存储 的权限。 在<application>外加入: <uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/> 修改MainActivity.java文件。 packageai.nixie.copyassets;/* Copy all the files in assets folder to your smartphone ...
This is how my asstes folder in android looks like. I am trying to get the path to the "19.png" inside assets. I will use this path in file creation as in new File("pathTo19.png"). I tried variations of "android/assets/19.png", "assets/19.png" etc but none worked. What is...
I am trying to play a video in android emulator I have the video in my assets folder as well as the raw folder But after doing some research still i cant play video in my emulator i am working on android 2.1 My video format is mp4 so i don't think that should be a prob...
它会显示一条错误,"Pdf for be displayed,Path error".How to set path for sub folder in ...
Android Studio 添加Assets目录: In Android Studio, right-click on the enter image description here folder and navigate to theAssets Folder. enter image description here On the next screen just clickFinish. enter image description here It will create theassetsfolder in themaintarget source set. ...