1、In Android Studio, right-click on the folder and navigate to theAssets Folder. On the next screen just clickFinish. It will create theassetsfolder in themaintarget source set. 2、可以在build.gradle文件下配置,加如下代码 " sourceSets { main { assets.srcDirs = ['src/assets', 'src/assets...
1. 新建assets目录 在Android Studio中新建assets目录非常简单,只需按照以下步骤操作即可: 在app模块的src/main目录下,右键点击鼠标,选择New->Folder->Assets Folder,如下图所示: 点击Finish按钮,即可在assets目录下新建一个名为assets的文件夹。 2. 将资源文件放入assets目录 在新建的assets目录下,我们可以将需要使用...
Referencing New Media Assets in Android StudioNow that we have covered new media content for Android Studio, it's time to take a look at how these new media assets, which you will create using all your newfound multimedia production knowledge, arWallace Jackson...
Android项目中的assets目录结构图 如图所示,在Android Studio项目中的根目录下,就会有一个assets的文件目录(若不存在,可以自己新建)。它里面创建存储:图像、音视频、字体、数据库等等。之所以说它适合用来管理这些文件,是因为程序在编译时不会去处理这个目录下的文件,但是会将它们打包进apk中。而其他你随便创建的目录在...
Where to place the assets folder in Android Studio If you are having problems with asset files not being included in your compiled apk file, it may be because your assets folder is placed in the wrong directory. The assets folder should usually be inside the following folder: ...
Android Studio 添加Assets目录: 法一: 1 Since Android Studio uses thenewGradle-based build system, you should be putting assets/ inside of the source sets (e.g., src/main/assets/),ifI understand correctly. 法二: In Android Studio, right-click on the ...
Android Studio中放置assets文件夹需要手动创建,我以存放一张图片为例说明。新建一个项目,切换到当前的Module,在main文件夹下新建一个名为“assets”文件夹如下图:复制资源(这里以图片为例),粘贴到“assets”文件夹下,如下图:在AndroidStudio里以输入流的方式读取资源,部分代码如下://从assets中...
把需要复制的文件放在src/main/assets文件夹下。 把需要复制的文件的文件名,存在一个字符串数组中。 privatestaticfinalString FILE_NAME[]={"a.bin","b.bin","Readme.md"}; 代码 /** check whether there is a /sdcard/test/ folder in the phone **//** if not, create one **/File testFolder...
Android 读取Assets中资源 2015-04-22 13:48 − //读取文件 private static String getFromAssets(Context context, String fileName) { String result = ""; try { InputStream in = context.getResour... LOVE SHARE 0 413 android 文件读取(assets) 2012-03-08 10:03 − assets文件夹资源的访...
Exception: OBSOLETE - Providing Android resources in Assets/Plugins/Android/assets was removed 如果游戏需要添加assets 或者 res目录下的文件时,可以按照下面的方法操作打包一个aar复制到unity工程里 操作步骤: 1. 使用android studio(4.x版本)打开 Unity_2021_aar_as_demo 项目 ...