Assessment: involves the collecting of information or evidence of a learner’s learning progress and achievement over a period of time for the purposes of improving teaching and learning. Evaluation: ‘a whole range of issues in and beyond language education’; produces a global view of achievement...
1、Unit 15Assessment in Language TeachingAims of the unit:Assessment purposesAssessment methodsAssessment criteriaAssessment principlesTesting language assessment15.1 Understanding assessmentTesting: Testing often takes the pencil and paper form and it is usually done at the end of a learning period, f 2...
unit 15 assessment in language teaching_Unit 15 Assessment in Language Teaching
35、 that it measures how much the student has learned in the course of second-language instruction. However, achievement tests are usually not built around one set of teaching materials hut are designed for use with students from a variety of different schools and programs.,The proficiency test...
7.To provide the basis for further planning of 7.To provide the basis for further planning of teaching: what to teach next Y teaching: what to teach next Y 8.To qualify students Y 8.To qualify students Y 9.To provide the basis for correction N 9.To provide the basis for correction ...
Assessment:itinvolvesthecollectingofinformationorevidenceofalearner’slearningprogressandachievementoveraperiodoftimeforthepurposesofimprovingteachingandlearning.7 2.Thedifferencesbetweentesting,assessmentandevaluation Evaluation:Itinvolvesmakinganoveralljudgmentaboutone’sworkorawholeschool’swork.AccordingtoCameron,itcan...
AssessmentinLanguageTeaching AimsoftheUnit •1.Whatisassessment?Howisitdifferentfromevaluationandtesting?•2.Thepurposeofassessment•3.Themethodsofassessment•4.Thecriteriaforassessment•5.Theprinciplesforassessment•6.Testsinlanguageassessment I.Whatisassessment?•Assessmentinvolvesthecollectingofinformation...
unit 15 Assessment in Language Teaching AssessmentinLanguageTeaching Inthisunit,wearegoingtodiscusshowtoconductassessmentinlanguageteaching.Wewillmainlytalkaboutthefollowing:1.whatisassessment?Howisitdifferentfromevaluationandtesting?2.Thepurposesofassessment.3.Themethodsofassessment.4.Thecriteriafor...
Assessment involves the collection of information or evidence of a learner's learning progress and achievement over a period of time for the purpose of improving teaching and learning. it is not based on one test or one task, nor is it expressed by a mark or grade, but rather in a report...
learningprogressandachievementoveraperiodoftimeforthepurposesofimproving teachingandlearning.Itisnotbasedononetestoronetask,norisitexpressedbyamarkor grade,butratherinareportformwithscalesorlevelsaswellasdescriptionandcomment fromtheteacher.Testscoresmayalsobeonesourceoftheinformation.Thestudents’ ...