Why, What, When and How of Assessment in the Language ClassroomJo Lewkowicz
Assessment in the language classroom: teachers support student learning, by L. Cheng and J. Fox (Eds.). London, UK: Palgrave, 2017, 246 pp., $31, ISBN: 978-1-137-46483-5 (paperback).In this chapter, I will reflect upon a funded research project on university English teachers' ...
V Aryadoust,J Fox - Trends in Language Assessment Research and Practice The View from the Middle East and the Pacific Rim Editor(s): Vahid Aryadoust, Janna Fox 被引量: 8发表: 2016年 Reading Between Designs Adams, D. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. New York: Pocket Books, . Ar...
Self-assessment in the Language Class Andrew E. Finch 서울산업대학교교수1. The situation Educators in Middle school, High school, and University are familiar with the problem of low motivation. Our students learn English because they want to get to High school, then they want ...
This paper aims to explore the teachers' perspectives on the implementation of peer assessment in the language classroom. Twenty-two English teachers with different cultural background were invited to participate in this study. The results indicate that most of the participants show positive attitudes ...
unit 15 Assessment in Language Teaching AssessmentinLanguageTeaching Inthisunit,wearegoingtodiscusshowtoconductassessmentinlanguageteaching.Wewillmainlytalkaboutthefollowing:1.whatisassessment?Howisitdifferentfromevaluationandtesting?2.Thepurposesofassessment.3.Themethodsofassessment.4.Thecriteriafor...
Iusetestsinmyclassroom.Ialsousequizzes—asawayofkeepinga checkonthestudents’learning.Ialsomarktheirwork,sometimes withagradebutusuallyacomment. Itistodowithrecord-keeping,collectinginformationabouthowwell thestudentsaredoing. Ithinkithassomethingtodowithevaluation. ...
Assessment in the Second Language Writing Classroom is a teacher and prospective teacher-friendly book, uncomplicated by the language of statistics. The book is for those who teach and assess second language writing in several different contexts: the IEP, the developmental writing classroom, and the...
Aimsoftheunit 1.Assessmentpurposes2.Assessmentmethods3.Assessmentcriteria4.Assessmentprinciples5.Testinginlanguageassessment 龙岩学院外国语学院 省级精品课程-《英语教学法2》I.Understandingassessment 1.What’sassessment?Task1 Thefollowingisalistofunderstandingassessmentgivenbydifferentteachers.Whatdoyouthinkofthem?It...
Testing in assessment,1The role of t 26、esting in the classroom Classroom testing is the topic of this handbook. Although the teacher is primarily concerned with teaching rather than testing, classroom tests play three important roles in the second-language program: they define course objectives,...