Only a minority of educators were using assessment for and as learning on a consistent basis within classrooms and schools. Teachers and school administrators noted a variety of barriers in trying to enact assessment methods that naturally align with assessment as learning (i.e., student self-...
【GT英语教师课堂】Assessment of, for and as Learning | TEFL Webinar | Masterclass 435播放 北京师范大学-中学英语学科教学设计(国家级精品课) 12.8万播放 《中学英语教学设计教程》由北京师范大学王蔷教授领衔主讲,全集共181讲附讲义,超级实用!! 5.8万播放 王蔷教授高中英语教学评一体化设计 4.1万播放 学科英...
Assessment as Learning • What is the purpose of learning these concepts and skills? • What do I know about this topic? • What strategies do I know that will help me learn this? • Am I understanding these concepts? • What are the criteria for improving my work? • Have I...
大概念教学最终指向的是学生能自主地解决真实世界的问题,与此相对应,斯特恩提出三种评价方式,即学习性评价(assessment for learning),目的是为学习的推进收集证据;学习的评价(assessment of learning),目的是对阶段性的学习成果进行总结;学习式评价(assessment as learning),目的是为了让学生在学习中学会评价。如果对这三...
E. (2010). Cognitively Based Assessment of, for, and as Learning (CBAL): A preliminary theory of action for summative and formative assessment. Measurement, 8, 70-91.Bennett, R. E. (2010). Cognitively based assessment of, for, and as learning (CBAL): A preliminary theory of action ...
Assessment of/ for/ as learning 42024-07 3 Comparison 22024-07 4 Summative and formative assessment 42024-07 5 Understanding assessment 12024-07 6 The role of the teacher 22024-07 7 Philosophy circle 52024-07 8 Moral learning and English 12024-07 9 Motivating students to write 62024-07 10 ...
CBAL (Cognitively Based Assessment of, for, and as Learning) is a research initiative intended to create a model for an innovative K–12 assessment system that documents what students have achieved (of learning); helps identify how to plan instruction (for learning); and is considered by stude...
Research about the benefits of formative assessment as a means of improving student learning has encouraged policy‐makers and teachers in countries like the UK, Australia and New Zealand to promote and use classroom‐based assessment for learning in the qualifications arena. However, recent research ...
内容提示: 133Abstract Assessing student learning of statistics poses unique challenges to mathematics teachers at the elementary and secondary level. This chapter describes some guiding principles for developing or selecting assessment items, building on general pillars of good assessment practice as well ...
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