Hello again, and thank you very much for your advice. One of the reasons I was asking about using AsiAir Plus was to have a remote control. I have decided to continue doing EAA as normal, since, seeing some of your opinions, I think that with SharpCap Pro I have great software that ...
a Mele Quieter, NUNC or even the new Apple Mini. For software for me that is KStars/Ekos, or if you want to go run it through an app on your phone: Stellarmate. But it can also well be done with Windows/
Framing and focusing your target on the ASIAIR Plus is a pleasure. The live-loop feedback on my phone allows me to fine-tune my focus and tweak the positioning of the mount for framing. I decided to photograph theLobster Claw Nebulafor my first test of the ZWO ASIAIR Plus. This is a ...
5️⃣IC 1396©天文摄影师:Seb拍摄器材:ZWO ASI533MC Pro + ZWO ASIAIR Plus + ZWO AM5 + Celestron Edge HD 116️⃣Comet C/2023 A3©天文摄影师:Astrojet(HuyingQ)拍摄器材:ZWO ASI533MC Pro + ZWO ASIAIR Pro + Samyang 85mm#美丽星空图 #ZWO天文酷图 #ZWO天文摄影 #天文摄影 ...
Marcelo Rivera Liguez 拍摄器材:ZWO ASI2600MC Pro + Askar Fra500 + iOptron HAE43 + ZWO ASIAIR Plus + ZWO EAF + ZWO ASI174MM Mini 2、NGC 7000 ©天文摄影师:Astro Nom 拍摄器材:ZWO ASI2600MC Pro + Celestron Edge HD 11 + Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 Pro ...
GoFish, on 17 Jan 2022 - 11:11 AM, said: This has all been discussed in great detail in this thread. I was well aware of the WiFi limitations of the AAP before I decided to buy it. Still happy with it, no current plans to upgrade to the Plus. ...
Love my asiair pros. Yes, I have two of them. I got them both used at a decent discount and for an extra $50 got the external antenna installed on both, just like the plus. The only issues I've ever had were with the phone app, not with the unit itself. All those issues are ...
©天文摄影师:裸奔的狗 & 小蚂蚁 拍摄器材:ZWO ASI2600MC Pro + ZWO ASIAIR Plus + ZWO AM3 + ZWO ASI220MM Mini 2️⃣球状星团半人马座 3️⃣M20 ©天文摄影师:Paul Mayo 拍摄器材:ZWO ASI2600MC Pro + Sky-Watcher Quattro 10" + Losmandy G-11 ...
ZWO ASI2600MM Pro+Celestron Edge HD 11"&14"+Sky-Watcher EQ8R Pro+ZWO EFW+ASIAIR Pro3、狮子座三重奏©Parc Astronòmic Muntanyes de PradesZWO ASI2600MC Pro+ZWO AM5+Sharpstar 13028HNT+ASIAIR Plus+ZWO EAF+ZWO EFW4、IC 1318©SharkyZWO ASI2600MM Pro+ZWO EAF+ZWO EFW+ASI120MM Mini+...