You can use a computer to run the ASIAIR App but you need additional software to do it. I use BlueStacks 5 on my Windows 10/11 computer and run the ASIAIR App using that in order to use my computer to connect to the ASIAIR WiFi to control the ASIAIR. It works very smoothly. You ...
I use Bluestacks to run the ASIAIR app under Windows, works perfectly, just keep up to date with the updates. When using the house network to run the ASIAIR I change the Slate or Beryl to work in "Extender" mode under the "more settings" side menu pull out. Be aware that what is ...
I'm also going to try one of the iOS or Android emulators on my Windows PC. Seems some people get this to work with ASIAir Mini. I'd like to use my laptop as it is a far bigger screen than my phone. A NUC still holds some appeal. Celerondon likes this #18 MarkMittlesteadt Fly...