方舟手游重制版 物品叠加+采集+驯服速度 1、路径:我的iPhone\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\IOS\导出GameUserSettings.ini文件2、打开复制添加到[ServerSettings]下面(中文会自动删除)3、替换原来的文件GameUserSettings.ini文件 采集倍率HarvestAmountMultiplier=100.00000驯服速度TamingSpeedMultiplier=1000.000000物品叠加ItemStac...
MultiplierWhat increasing it doesWhere to find in ASE SettingsWhere to find in ASA SettingsProperty name in GameUserSettings.ini Taming Speed Reduces food required for taming dinos. This will in turn reduce time and narcotics, and increase effectiveness. General Tab Game Rules > World TamingSpeed...
XPMultiplier=2.25 TamingSpeedMultiplier=3.00 PvPStructureDecay=True HarvestAmountMultiplier=1.75 ClampResourceHarvestDamage=True DinoDamageMultiplier=0.75 PlayerDamageMultiplier=1.75 StructureDamageMultiplier=1.50 alwaysNotifyPlayerJoined=True alwaysNotifyPlayerLeft=TrueCommon Issues ...
CustomDynamicConfigUrl string None direct link to config file e.g.: http://arkdedicated.com/dynamicconfig.ini ;currently only the following options are supported to be adjusted dynamically: TamingSpeedMultiplier, HarvestAmountMultiplier, XPMultiplier, MatingIntervalMultiplier, BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier, Eg...
6. Try aiming for the head so it can speed things up with 4-7 second intervals 7. MUTTON is going to be the BEST taming food once it's knocked 8. Enjoy your new griffin lol - Kameron 19points🥚 Taming & KOApr 3, 2024Report ...
37 points 🥚 Taming & KO Jul 15, 2024 Report Ichthyosaurus are one of the weakest water tames, but their speed makes them a great utility tame. This guide will help you acquire one yourself. 1. Locate an accessible ichthy of the desired level, if you have no water tames, go for on...
listen?MaxPlayers=5?ServerAdminPassword=278097?SessionName=tzx?NightTimeSpeedScale=3?XPMultiplier=2?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=true?ServerForceNoHUD=false?ShowMapPlayerLocation=True?TamingSpeedMultiplier=5?ShowFloatingDanageText=true -nosteamclient -server -log...
CustomDynamicConfigUrl string None direct link to config file e.g.: http://arkdedicated.com/dynamicconfig.ini ;currently only the following options are supported to be adjusted dynamically: TamingSpeedMultiplier, HarvestAmountMultiplier, XPMultiplier, MatingIntervalMultiplier, BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier, Eg...
Increased movement speed when ridden by 25% Thylacoleo Added a (slow draining) bleed to its basic attack Megachelon Reduced depth requirement for breeding so that it can be bred on other maps Wyvern Wyverns are now breedable (Zombie Wyverns cannot be bred) ...