In addition to bonus levels, most creatures have at least one stat that has a Taming Multiplier that is based on Taming Effectiveness - e.g. the Rex has 17.6% multiplier on its Melee Damage. The multiplier is applied after bonus levels and any additive bonuses (e.g. the Rex also has ...
Dododex ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion Creatures▾ Items▾ More▾ MantisMantis Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command Level Taming Speed Food DrainMultiplier Current Server Rates Use Single PlayerSettings Taming Calculator Passive...
In addition to bonus levels, most creatures have at least one stat that has a Taming Multiplier that is based on Taming Effectiveness - e.g. the Rex has 17.6% multiplier on its Melee Damage. The multiplier is applied after bonus levels and any additive bonuses (e.g. the Rex also has ...
Dododex ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion Creatures▾ Items▾ More▾ AraneoAraneo Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command Level Taming Speed Food DrainMultiplier Current Server Rates Use Single PlayerSettings Taming Calculator Passive Food Selected Food / Max Time Effectiveness...
currently only the following options are supported to be adjusted dynamically: TamingSpeedMultiplier, HarvestAmountMultiplier, XPMultiplier, MatingIntervalMultiplier, BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier, EggHatchSpeedMultiplier, BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier, CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier, MatingSpeedMultiplier, BabyCuddle...
Translations for Dododex: Taming Calculator for Ark: Survival Evolved javascriptlanguagegamestranslationgamingarkarksurvivalevolvedgaming-website UpdatedDec 22, 2024 JavaScript thommcgrath/Beacon Star53 An editor for the beacons in Ark: Survival Evolved ...
- Taming multipliers for unofficial ARK: Survival Evolved servers - Admin commands and cheats - Maps - Access the official ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki directly from the app - Details on Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, Genesis, Fjordur and all DLCs!
The Wyvern (why-vern or wi-vern) is one of the Creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved. This creature can be found on Scorched Earth in The World Scar, on Ragnarok in the Dragonmalte Trench and Wyvern Cave, on Valguero in The Great Trench, on Lost Island in t
Controls dinosaur taming speed. Higher values make taming faster. I have created a tool to quickly create the code you need to adjust Taming. You can find it here: Taming Configuration Tool HarvestAmountMultiplier Value is a Float and Default is 1. ...
Painting is no longer off-set by 1. This will break all existing TSOTF paintings, but paintings from ARK: Survival Evolved will display the correct colours again. Fixed a bug where if a creature took too much damage too quickly or from a multiplier, it would instantly die rather...