方舟手游重制版 物品叠加+采集+驯服速度 1、路径:我的iPhone\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\IOS\导出GameUserSettings.ini文件2、打开复制添加到[ServerSettings]下面(中文会自动删除)3、替换原来的文件GameUserSettings.ini文件 采集倍率HarvestAmountMultiplier=100.00000驯服速度TamingSpeedMultiplier=1000.000000物品叠加ItemStac...
Level Taming Speed Food DrainMultiplier Current Server Rates Use Single PlayerSettings Taming Calculator PassiveFood Selected Food / Max Time Effectiveness Use Sanguine Elixir Increases taming by 30%Deathworm Horn 8 21:01 98.9% +74 Lvl (224) Woolly Rhino Horn 33 1:36:03 82.8% +62 ...
Level Taming Speed Food DrainMultiplier Current Server Rates Use Single PlayerSettings Dododex is committed to accuracy. Report Data Error 🦤 Help improve Dododex's admin commands tool. Take a 5-minute survey. Stats BASE STATS Stat Base (Lvl 1) Increase Per Lvl (Wild) Increase Per Lvl (...
The taming effectiveness indicates the amount of bonus the creature gets once it is successfully tamed. It does not have any effect on the taming speed of the dinosaur. The initial taming effectiveness is 100%, and decreases whenever the creature eats the food left in its inventory or takes ...
MultiplierARK: Survival AscendedARK: Survival Evolved Difficulty: EasyDifficulty: MediumDifficulty: Hard Taming Speed 5 3 1 1 Food Drain 0.25 0.5 1 1 Egg Hatch Speed 20 10 5 1 Baby Mature Speed 40 20 10 1 XP Multiplier 3 2 1 1 Use Single Player Settings On Tribe Tower Bonus In Bob’...
currently only the following options are supported to be adjusted dynamically: TamingSpeedMultiplier, HarvestAmountMultiplier, XPMultiplier, MatingIntervalMultiplier, BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier, EggHatchSpeedMultiplier, BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier, CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier, MatingSpeedMultiplier, BabyCuddle...
the Rex has 17.6% multiplier on its Melee Damage. The multiplier is applied after bonus levels and any additive bonuses (e.g. the Rex also has a +7% additive bonus). As an aside, the additive bonuses are unaffected by Taming Effectiveness. Similarly to bonus levels, the multiplier scales ...
?TamingSpeedMultiplier=15X ?HarvestAmountMultiplier=7X ?CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier=15X ?Mating= 4X ?EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=25X ?BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=20X ?BAECON-SupplyCrateLootQualityMultiplier=5X 20 MODS: ?PF EXTINCTIONEXPANSION ?PRIMAL FEAR ...
listen?MaxPlayers=5?ServerAdminPassword=278097?SessionName=tzx?NightTimeSpeedScale=3?XPMultiplier=2?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=true?ServerForceNoHUD=false?ShowMapPlayerLocation=True?TamingSpeedMultiplier=5?ShowFloatingDanageText=true -nosteamclient -server -log...
HarvestAmountMultiplier=5.0 TamingSpeedMultiplier=5.0 KillXPMultiplier=3.0 HarvestXPMultiplier=1.25 CraftXPMultiplier=2.0 SpecialXPMultiplier=1.5 GenericXPMultiplier=1.15 MatingIntervalMultiplier=0.750000 EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=10.000000 BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=35.000000 BabyImprintingStatScaleMultiplier=0.75 BabyCuddle...