Carcha and Giga will not damage structures can be used to do ele vein and drops on ext with out damaging. Harvest multiplier 10X (Element is Default harvest set by the element transfer mod) Taming multiplier 30x XPmultiplier 10x Supply drop multiplier 1 Unlimited Respec Damage Text Disabled ...
DifficultyOffset=0.50 XPMultiplier=0.75 TamingSpeedMultiplier=2.00 HarvestAmountMultiplier=0.75 ClampResourceHarvestDamage=True DinoDamageMultiplier=1.50 PlayerDamageMultiplier=0.75 StructureDamageMultiplier=2.25 DinoCountMultiplier=2.00 serverPVE=TruePvP ConfigRather...
DifficultyOffset=5 DinoSpawnWeightMultipliers=(DinoNameTag=,SpawnWeightMultiplier=0.5,OverrideSpawnLimitPercentage=False,SpawnLimitPercentage=) HarvestAmountMultiplier=2 XPMultiplier=3 ``` 如果你想要更多的参数设置选项,你可以参考[方舟生存进化Wiki]或[方舟生存进化中文Wiki]中的教程。 - GameUserSettings.ini Ga...
HarvestAmountMultiplier=2?ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=20?ItemStackSizeMultiplier=1.5?Banlist= AF?ShowMapPlayerLocation=true?ClampItemStats=true?ItemStatClamps[1]=19800?ItemStatClamps[3]=...
?UseOptimizedHarvestingHealth=true "optimized" server with high HarvestAmountMultiplier (but less rare items). ?bRawSockets ? Direct UDP socket connections rather than Steam P2P, for significantly increased server network performance. Need to manually open ports 7777 & 7778 if you do so in order...
HarvestHealthMultiplier Value is a Float and Default is 1 Changes the health of items that can be harvested (trees rocks etc.). Higher values means these items can take more damage before being destroyed. I have created a tool that allows you to quickly and easily generate the code to adju...
方舟手游重制版 物品叠加+采集+驯服速度 1、路径:我的iPhone\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\IOS\导出GameUserSettings.ini文件2、打开复制添加到[ServerSettings]下面(中文会自动删除)3、替换原来的文件GameUserSettings.ini文件 采集倍率HarvestAmountMultiplier=100.00000驯服速度TamingSpeedMultiplier=1000.000000物品叠加...
If you think it’s a bit dangerous running on the ground, let me introduce you to one of the greatest things in this game for gathering, auto-harvest. Just get an argentavis and it’s saddle, grab a tamed beaver, and go up to a tree and let the beaver hit it. ( Put on ...
Custom Harvest Amounts & Spoiling Time Tool Our tool for customing Charater & Dino stats will also allow you to adjust some structure stats as well. The stats that are affected by this tool include the Xp multiplier for experience awarded per action, as well as the critical stats for Dinos...
DinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="Gorilla_Character_BP_Hard_C",Multiplier=0.04) DinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="Deathworm_Character_BP_C",Multiplier=0.5) DinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="RubbleGolem_Character_BP_C",Multiplier=0.5) DinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="EndBoss_Character_C...