HarvestAmountMultiplier=2 XPMultiplier=3 ``` 如果你想要更多的参数设置选项,你可以参考[方舟生存进化Wiki]或[方舟生存进化中文Wiki]中的教程。 - GameUserSettings.ini GameUserSettings.ini是控制服务器的用户界面的配置文件,它包含了一些影响游戏显示和交互的参数,如服务器名称、密码、地图、最大玩家数、端口号等。
HarvestAmountMultiplier Value is a Float and Default is 1. Alters yields from all harvesting activities. Higher values increase the amount of materials harvested with each strike. I have created a tool that allows you to quickly and easily generate the code to adjust resource harvesting and spawni...
1. If you have a sickle, then go kill one of these and harvest him with the sickle for prime fish meat. 2. If your new, don’t attack these guys. They will thanos snap new players 3. No more tips here :D press that good button so noobs can see 557 points ⚔️ Encountering...
CustomDynamicConfigUrl string None direct link to config file e.g.: http://arkdedicated.com/dynamicconfig.ini ;currently only the following options are supported to be adjusted dynamically: TamingSpeedMultiplier, HarvestAmountMultiplier, XPMultiplier, MatingIntervalMultiplier, BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier, Eg...
TamingSpeedMultiplier = 1.0 (已包括代谢催化剂,以防止需要对此进行修改。一些恐龙也已变得易于驯服,现在可以被动驯服多个恐龙,通常比敲除驯兽要快。) HarvestAmountMultiplier = 1.0 (很多物品的手工要求都降低了。) 链接: [此处的更改概述] 详细的生物变化 ...
StructureResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 XPMultiplier=1.000000 TamingSpeedMultiplier=1.000000 HarvestAmountMultiplier=1.000000 PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=1.000000 PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1.000000 DinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1.000000 PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1.000000 ...
以下命令接受一个参数,数字的工作方式与ini文件中的相同: - ScriptCommand SetXPMultiplier 1.00 - ScriptCommand SetHarvestMultiplier 1.00 - ScriptCommand SetTamingMultiplier 1.00 - ScriptCommand SetMatingIntervalMultiplier 1.00 - ScriptCommand SetMatingSpeedMultiplier 1.00 ...
DifficultyOffset=0.50 XPMultiplier=0.75 TamingSpeedMultiplier=2.00 HarvestAmountMultiplier=0.75 ClampResourceHarvestDamage=True DinoDamageMultiplier=1.50 PlayerDamageMultiplier=0.75 StructureDamageMultiplier=2.25 DinoCountMultiplier=2.00 serverPVE=TruePvP ConfigRather...
Because right now it seems that I am simply getting everything vanilla. Harvest Multiplier in my INI settings is set to 5x. If it helps at all, I have both Game and GUS settings in both WindowsNoEditorandWindowsServer folders set to the same exact INI. ...
Evolved Dedicated Server\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini The entries I make are the following: HarvestAmountMultiplier=2.0 HarvestHealthMultiplier=2.0 TamingSpeedMultiplier=2.0 They are entered when the server is not started and on server start they are removed from the ini....