方舟手游重制版 物品叠加+采集+驯服速度 1、路径:我的iPhone\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\IOS\导出GameUserSettings.ini文件2、打开复制添加到[ServerSettings]下面(中文会自动删除)3、替换原来的文件GameUserSettings.ini文件 采集倍率HarvestAmountMultiplier=100.00000驯服速度TamingSpeedMultiplier=1000.000000物品叠加ItemStac...
HarvestAmountMultiplier=2 XPMultiplier=3 ``` 如果你想要更多的参数设置选项,你可以参考[方舟生存进化Wiki]或[方舟生存进化中文Wiki]中的教程。 - GameUserSettings.ini GameUserSettings.ini是控制服务器的用户界面的配置文件,它包含了一些影响游戏显示和交互的参数,如服务器名称、密码、地图、最大玩家数、端口号等。
XPMultiplier=2.25 TamingSpeedMultiplier=3.00 PvPStructureDecay=True HarvestAmountMultiplier=1.75 ClampResourceHarvestDamage=True DinoDamageMultiplier=0.75 PlayerDamageMultiplier=1.75 StructureDamageMultiplier=1.50 alwaysNotifyPlayerJoined=True alwaysNotifyPlayerLeft=TrueCommon Issues ...
CustomDynamicConfigUrl string None direct link to config file e.g.: http://arkdedicated.com/dynamicconfig.ini ;currently only the following options are supported to be adjusted dynamically: TamingSpeedMultiplier, HarvestAmountMultiplier, XPMultiplier, MatingIntervalMultiplier, BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier, Eg...
HarvestHealthMultiplier=4?HarvestAmountMultiplier=2?ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=20?ItemStackSizeMultiplier=1.5?Banlist=http://arkdedicated.com/banlist.txt?kickIdlePlayersPeriod=1800?ShowFloatingDamageText=true?Duration=10?Message=High AF?ShowMapPlayerLocation=true?ClampItemStats=true?ItemStatClamps[1]=19800...
and Wild Dinos level up there is a choice of a stat to increase. If you adjust these values you can control the amount of the increase. For example, you would normally get an extra 10 points on Health if you click the + for it on level up. Set the corresponding multipl...
Adjusting Gamma Setting for ARK: Survival Evolved Players Adjusting Harvest Multiplier in ARK Adjusting Stat Multipliers for ARK Survival Evolved ARK Survival Evolved: Dino and Item Transfer ARK Survival Evolved: How to become an admin ARK Survival Evolved: Updates Change admin password in ARK Change...
1. If you have a sickle, then go kill one of these and harvest him with the sickle for prime fish meat. 2. If your new, don’t attack these guys. They will thanos snap new players 3. No more tips here :D press that good button so noobs can see 566 points ⚔️ Encountering...
Custom Harvest Amounts & Spoiling Time Tool HarvestHealthMultiplier Value is a Float and Default is 1 Changes the health of items that can be harvested (trees rocks etc.). Higher values means these items can take more damage before being destroyed. ...
HarvestAmountMultiplier=2 XPMultiplier=3 ``` 如果你想要更多的参数设置选项,你可以参考[方舟生存进化Wiki]或[方舟生存进化中文Wiki]中的教程。 - GameUserSettings.ini GameUserSettings.ini是控制服务器的用户界面的配置文件,它包含了一些影响游戏显示和交互的参数,如服务器名称、密码、地图、最大玩家数、端口号等。