Fixed Aberration's Rockwell bossfight cutscene occurring too early which prevented access to the reward supply crate Fixed Aberration's Rockwell bossfight displaying incorrect health bar color for the difficulty selected Fixed getting stuck at the end of the credits after completing Aberr...
Actually it deals a large amount of damage that is sufficient to kill non-boss entities. You may need to execute the command twice or more on bosses. To eliminate an entity without leaving behind a corpse, use the DestroyMyTarget command.Kompatibel mit Spielekonsolen: JaKill...
“So… one boss down, and two to go. That’s good, and we still have plenty of Rexes. But here’s the problem.” Red said from the front of the table. Sodden, Serenity and Rod sat near him. “What problem? It’s fine, right?” Sodden said. “It’s not with our creatures. ...
“It said there was a boss fight, right? So where is the boss? And more importantly where is June?” A roar suddenly filled the air. All of their heads turned and they saw a ginormous dragon flying toward them, purple and orange in color. It let out a fierce roar as it dived down...
Allowed Trophy Wall-Mount and Base to be paintable. Fixed flyers you can base on from consuming more food that intended. You can now fish while on a Pelagornis. Potential fix for dinos being able to give and take damage through walls. ...
Mini-boss battles in specific locations. Stealing eggs/babies and getting away without hurting the parents when they chase you (maybe to give the baby a check-up?). An Air Race from one end of the Eden Ring, through space, and then continuing to the other end of the Rockwell Ring and...
This is a small tribe PVE Cluster tuned for small tribes or solo players to take on the creatures and boss arenas in Ark. The cluster will only be wiped when agreed upon by Tribe Leaders after they are happy with their progress in Breeding, building and Boss Ar...
13. Rock drakes If we can't ride em, can't hatch em it's gonna be relay hard fight with the last boss, also renders the radiation zone useless why go there ? Only for reapers? Overall rock drakes such an amazing journey to go get the egg and fly around. ...
There are upcoming Engrams for ALL tiers, primitive, modern, and Tek. As a hint, primitive tier is getting “Pliers” for repairing various metal items on the go, and a new method to catch and tame fish, Modern tier is getting “batteries” to power various electrical str...
boss arena Fixed multiple map holes on The Center, The Island, and Scorched Earth Fixed floating foliage on The Island and Scorched Earth Fixed some missing water volumes on The Center Fixed world border missing sea floor on The Center Fixed being unable to start the boss encounter from ...