步骤开始,首先,输入代码giveengrams解锁全部制作蓝图,接着输代码giveitemnum 107 1 0 0获得研磨器皿,然后是准备解毒药材料了,代码如下:①稀有花朵giveitemnum 250 10 0 0②稀有蘑菇giveitemnum 251 10 0 0③麻醉药giveitemnum 123 1 0 0④水蛭血液3个(需要先刷出无感染的水蛭summon leech_character_c,接着...
I know you should do all the alpha bosses to unlock all the engrams but I might just do a gamma fight or two just to get the hang of it (I find in ark, having done something before makes things incredibly easier the second time you do them). to get the hang of how a boss ...
7.1 GiveCreativeMode 7.2 GiveCreativeModeToTarget 7.3 GiveCreativeModeToPlayer 8 Player Commands 8.1 AddExperience 8.2 UnlockEngram 8.3 HideRiders 8.4 ChangeSize 8.5 ClearTutorials 8.6 EnemyInvisible 8.7 ExecSetSleeping 8.8 Fly 8.9 Ghost 8.10 GiveColors 8.11 GiveEngrams 8.12 GiveEngramsTekOnly 8.13 ...
ShowInGameMenu InfiniteStats GiveItem GiveTekengramsTo Playercommand OpenMap GiveItemNum Suicide Walk HideRiders SetHeadHairPercent GiveResources GiveToMe ExecSetSleeping ToggleInfiniteAmmo GiveExplorerNote GiveArmorSet ClearTutorials AddExperience SetMyTargetSleeping GiveSlotItemNum HurtMe GiveEngrams Fly GM...
Allows the Yutyrannus to command the Carnotaurus.Volcanic Eruption Message: The volcano is about to erupt! Better evacuate!! HUD Text: The volcano is about to erupt! Better evacuate!! Information: This status occurs when the Genesis: Part 1 volcano is about to erupt and the survivor is ...
Salizar could barely breathe under the pressure of Ryker’s heel, “I could kill you right now you know,” he pressed down a bit harder, “but instead I’ll give you a warning.” Ryker said “but boss!” Killion started. “SILENCE Killion! I will decide his fate!” Ryker snapped. ...
“We are just about ready to get the engrams for them and the Smithy.” “Keep an eye out for Compys,” Tod tells the others. “We took out a bunch of them on the way here.” The trip back is uneventful as we catch a phenoma for meat and harvest the wood and stone needed...
it's been a few days since I joined the PVE Primitive Plus server. So far, I like it. TBH I love all different crafting engrams. I still don't know how to use many of them yet, but I will get there. So, after I finally found a piece of land...
Cryopod and Cryofridge have been added and are now level 50 unlockable Engrams When a Cryofridge is placed, they take 5 minutes to "activate" Cryopod can only be released within range of an "activated" and powered Cryofridge (range set to 6500 currently) ...
engrams, such as the crossbow? Any plans to reevaluate the crafting materials of some of the higher quality items? Answer: Yup! We’ll be doing more to enemies so that their loot tables are a lot more rewarding for the amount of effort required to kill them, and indeed refreshing ...