The primary reward for defeating the Dragon is Tekgram - special engrams that allow you to craft and use different equipment. The Tekgrams you can get differ depending on the shape of the boss you fight. Below, we have listed all the possible Tekgrams you can get by defeating different t...
Once you have defeated the dragon boss, you will have all the tek armour tekgrams unlocked and you can start playing around with it. Hurrah!! 🥳🥳🥳 ⚔️ EncounteringJun 17, 2024Report Here’s my full experience with the alpha dragon which I just beat as of 17 June 2024. My ...
Fixed Aberration's Rockwell bossfight cutscene occurring too early which prevented access to the reward supply crate Fixed Aberration's Rockwell bossfight displaying incorrect health bar color for the difficulty selected Fixed getting stuck at the end of the credits after completing Aberration...
Explore Fan Central Current ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki Others Like You Viewed Genesis: Part 2 ARK Survival Evolved Wiki Extinction Scorched Earth Aberration Top Pages this Week Dragon 1 Broodmother Lysrix 2 Megapithecus 3 Giganotosaurus 4 Argentavis 5 ...
“You killed a Dragon (Alpha)!” JTAC had just survived the hardest boss in the Island. “Yes! Let’s go!” Sodden yelled in excitement as he ran to the podium. Rod and Serenity got off their Theris, who had bandages on their claws and body, and walked to Red and Dorack. “Le...
Levels•Engrams(Mobile,P+) •Survivor Profile•Emotes•Whistling•Hairstyles•HUD Attributes Health•Stamina•Oxygen•Food•Water•Weight•Melee Damage•Movement Speed•Fortitude•Crafting Skill•Torpidity Condition Status Effects•Diseases ...
We only spawn items for Broodmother, Dragon & Monkey fights, & relics from the mini bosses. No runestones. No items for Fenrir Boss ONLY AVAILABLE ON ARK: SURVIVAL EVOLVED donate with paypal After making your donation, you will be redirected to open a ticket to request your drop. All...
DinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_C",Multiplier=0.04) DinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Easy_C",Multiplier=0.04) DinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium_C",Multiplier=0.04) ...