在Unity中遇到“argumentexception: an item with the same key has already been added”这个错误,通常意味着你在尝试向一个集合(如Dictionary)中添加一个已经存在的键。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤和建议: 1. 理解ArgumentException异常原因 ArgumentException异常在尝试向集合中添加重复键时会被抛出。在Unity中,这...
在Unity3D开发环境中,ArgumentException是一种异常类型,通常表示传递给方法或函数的参数不符合预期的格式或条件。当程序中的某个方法或函数接收到了一个不正确或不合适的参数时,就会抛出ArgumentException。详细解释:1. ArgumentException概述:ArgumentException是C#编程中一个常见的异常类型,它表示方法的调...
6. In the Inspector Window, under the “Volume” component, press the “New” button to create a new Volume Profile 7. Add the “Motion Blur” override 8. In the “Motion Blur” override, enable the “Intensity” property and change it’s...
如果我没有猜错的话你肯定是在函数外部定义了一个float类型的变量然后直接用Time.time赋值了。。。如果是的话那么这段错误完整输出就是:ArgumentException: get_time can only be called from the main thread.异常:时间只能被主线程调用。Constructors and field initializers will be executed from ...
异常:ArgumentException: The Assembly System.Configuration is referenced by System.Data. But the dll is not allowed to be included or could not be found. 解决方法:在player settings里将api capability level里的.Net 2.0 Sub 改成.Net 2.0就行了。
异常:ArgumentException: The Assembly System.Configuration is referenced by System.Data. But the dll is not allowed to be included or could not be found. 解决方法:在player settings里将api capability level里的.Net 2.0 Sub 改成.Net 2.0就行了。
ArgumentException is thrown when setting dataSource to the C# object that doesn't inherit from UnityEngine.Object in UI Builder -- - Sep 17, 2024 Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “BugRepro” project 2. Open the “Assets/UITK/Tes...
ArgumentException: The Assembly UnityEditor is referenced by FBXExporter ('Assets/Fonts/WRP_FBXExporter.dll'). But the dll is not allowed to be included or could not be found. 我一看和dll有关,然后就搜了一下这个dll文件,发现放在Scripts文件夹下,我一下想起以前的程序员大佬说过DLL文件要放在Editor...
问题描述 项目报错ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: _unity_self 不会影响项目正常运行,但是在DeBug模式下会一直卡住,非常恶心。 解决方法 删除项目中的Library文件夹,重新加载项目